Cannabis in Cyprus

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Cannabis in Cyprus is illegal, but allowed for medical use under very limited circumstances.


Cannabis is a Class B substance – life imprisonment is possible for use and maximum eight years for possession (at the maximum two years for the first offence for under 25-year-olds). In practice, an offender is taken to a local police station by drug enforcement where a statement, fingerprints and/or a confession are taken. After minor interrogation, the offender is held overnight and then released to be later called to court where a judge will set a fine between 400-1000 Euro for first time offender and depending on the amount of cannabis found and severity of the case. Factors such as being helpful to the police, full confession, completion of 6 month "detox" program provided by government and an apologetic attitude towards the judge does indeed help in a reduced fine.

The offender must appear by himself to a detox center, complete a 6-month program at the end of which a worker there will send a letter to the judge in regard to their accomplishment. They also receive an honorary diploma. Non completion of this 6-month program has unconfirmed consequences such as the fine being higher when sentenced at court.[1]

Medical use[edit]

Cyprus legalized the medical use of cannabis oil in January 2017. Only advanced stage cancer patients are currently eligible, however.[2]


  1. ^ "Overviews of legal topics: possession of cannabis for personal use". EMCDDA. Retrieved 26 July 2015. 
  2. ^ Tharoor, Avinash (February 1, 2017). "Cyprus Set to Provide Cannabis Oil to Cancer Patients". Talking Drugs. Retrieved November 15, 2017.