Cannabis in Slovakia

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Cannabis in Slovakia is illegal. Possession or use of small amounts of cannabis (or only 1 joint) is punishable by up to eight years in prison.[1][2] In April 2012, The Wall Street Journal reported that Robert Fico, the incoming Slovak prime minister, might push for partial legalisation of cannabis possession, and has argued for the legalisation of possession of up to three doses of cannabis for personal use.[2]


February 2018[edit]

Justice minister Lucia Žitňanská has drawn attention to the topic of decriminalization of drugs in Slovakia. For example, in the case of a first detained joint, a marijuana cigarette, the offender would be punished only by offense.

The criticism of the offense would only be highlighted after a repeated violation of the law within 12 months. However, the measure would not apply equally to all. For people under the age of 18, the automatic duty of medical diagnosis, social counseling, or even treatment of drug addiction would have sprang up.[3]

The decriminalized drugs would be: marijuana up to 1g, pervitin up to 0.2g, heroin up to 0.5g, cocaine up to 0.3g.

Lucia Žitňanská also argued that the working group had been working on the proposal already since 2013 and should help to improve the insight into drug traffickers, their punishment, and the uniform criminalization of drug users in the polluted sphere. SNS nationals disagreed with any law that will legalize drugs, ease access to their acquisition, or legitimize distribution and use.

They also referred to the unsubstantiated allegations that they are closing people in jail in Slovakia. However, the SNS has emphasized that the prosecution is either more criminal or recidivist.

The SNS political party declined the decriminalization of a small amount of drugs, its boss Andrej Danko did not even want to deal with marijuana and said: "I do not believe we live in a state where 30% of young people try the drug" [4]

More than decriminalization, SNS highlighted the prevention. They did not like the proposal to decriminalize the so-called hard drugs, which Lucia Žitňanská later proposed to remove for the purpose of coalition satisfaction.

Lucia Žitňanská did not have the full support of her party in the struggle for a change in drug policy.

After leaving Lucia Žitňanská of the Ministry of Justice, Gábor Gál joined the political party Most-Híd and later found that there is currently no political will in the government coalition to allow Justice Minister Gábor Gál to submit an amendment to the law on partial decriminalization of marijuana. Whether this issue is still open until the deadline for the ordinary parliamentary elections in 2020 is not yet known. [5][6]
