Cannabis in Ukraine

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Cannabis in Ukraine is illegal, but continues to be produced illicitly.


Soviet Ukraine was one of the biggest producers of hemp, and before the 1950's, it had over 150.000 hectares dedicated to hemp cultivation.[citation needed] Cannabis wasn't widely used as a recreational drug in Soviet Ukraine, most of the grown hemp would be used for it's other natural resources such as oil and fiber.[1]

During the Soviet-Afghan war, Charas (Чарас) were often bought from Afghan children and then smoked by Soviet soldiers, it would usually get smuggled into the Soviet Union by returning soldiers.[citation needed]


Cannabis that is suitable for recreational use is often grown in small plantations, hidden amongst corn, in black soil suitable for cultivation which is found in the central and southern parts of the country.

Though illegal, alot of Cannabis Ruderalis is grown out in the open in small villages for mostly non-recreational use, because of the low amount of THC in C. Ruderalis.


According to Article 106-2 KUoAP, cultivation (without intent to sell) up to 10 cannabis plants qualifies as an administrative violation, with a fine of from 18 to 100 non-taxable income units (300-1700 hryvnia in 2011) and the seizure of plants.[2]

The limit for possession without intent to sell, for which no criminal liability is given, is up to 5 grams of cannabis.[citation needed] However, there are plans to raise this limit to 10 grams.[3]


2016 protests[edit]

In October 2016, pro-cannabis protestors and anti-cannabis counter-protestors faced off in Mikhaylivska Square in Kiev. Police were forced to restrain some protestors from fighting each other.[4]

2017 Cannabis March of Freedom[edit]

A march was planned for October 28, 2017, taking place near the Government of Ukraine.[5][6]


Further reading[edit]