However strong the dictatorship, when the people are prepared to stand up for their freedom, all that strength becomes powerless.
- Vladimir Kara-Murza
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Fighting for freedom in Russia

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights is the realization of a dream of the late Israel Asper, OC, OM, QC, LLD, a philanthropist and founder of CanWest...

Best Non-Profit Social Media Marketing Campaign, 2017 Hashtag Awards
Presented to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights by...

Dominique Corti, as a child, with her mother Lucille Teasdale Corti.
Photo: courtesy of Dominique Corti, M.D., Teasdale-Corti Foundation


Google Earth map of the Museum

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85 Israel Asper Way
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0L5

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