Category: Heritage

The National War Memorial: A window on our past

Historical images are a window on our past. They provide an opportunity to take in the scene and build a story around what is being represented — or spark an interest in finding out the real story about what is going on. You can step back and enjoy the picture as a whole, or narrow your focus to look at specific details that others may miss. It is a moment in time that has been preserved for the future.

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A Trip Down Memory Lane

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the 6,000 or so historical photos of the region that the Management and Security of Information team has digitized must have quite a lot to say about our past.

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Planning for the Past has a Bright Future

One of the best things about heritage planning is the people who work in this remarkable field. Passion is something that so many people in this work share — not only a passion for history, but also a passion for conserving what makes places special and gives them value, recognizing the legacy of the past as we plan for the future of these places.

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A Legacy to Build On

“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” —Leonard Cohen. I’ve always been a fan of this quote, because it reminds us that the point in looking back at past decisions is not to judge the past, but to learn from it.

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Canadians dig their history

It is my view that archaeology begins and ends with the public. My work at the NCC involves sharing my passion and expertise in archaeology with Canadians. It’s truly a pleasure to have the opportunity to help them experience the region’s history.

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The NCC took the first step in a 50-year transformation of the Capital

I was pleased to officially introduce the Plan for Canada’s Capital, 2017-2067 to Canadians on May 9, and now to launch the NCC’s new blog with this post regarding the plan.

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