Contact Us

The NCC is committed to providing quality service. If you wish to receive information, make a request, send a comment or file a complaint, please contact the NCC’s client services at the Contact Centre. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible.

Client Services

Telephone: 613-239-5000 or 1-800-465-1867 (toll-free)
Employee directory: 613-239-5678
TTY: 613-239-5090 or 1-866-661-3530 (toll-free)

Hours of operation

Monday to Friday (except holidays), 8:30 am to 5 pm (eastern time)

Mailing address

National Capital Commission
202–40 Elgin Street
Ottawa ON K1P 1C7

Employee directory Employee directory

Emergency service (24-hour)

Telephone: 613-239-5353

Gatineau Park Visitor Centre #

33 Scott Road, Chelsea, Quebec J9B 1R5

Hours of operation

May 1 to November 1
Daily, 9 am to 5 pm

November 2 to April 30
Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday and Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm

Closed on December 25


819-827-2020 or 1-866-456-3016 (toll-free)
TTY: 613-239-5090 or 1-866-661-3530 (toll-free)
Emergency Line (24 hours): 613-239-5353

NCC ombudsman #

If you have a complaint that the NCC has been unable to resolve, you can contact the NCC ombudsman. The NCC ombudsman works independently and confidentially to resolve complaints when avenues within the NCC have been exhausted.

Client Service Standards

From Monday to Friday, clients who send a request or complaint to the NCC’s client services at will receive an acknowledgment with a reference number. The acknowledgement is usually sent the same day or within 24 hours. Response time varies with the nature of the request/complaint.

  • Simple requests: response within two business days
  • Requests that require follow-up by an NCC subject matter expert: response within five business days
  • Complex requests or complaints: up to 10 business days for response

Service is offered from Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm. In peak periods, a message informs callers of the approximate wait time. Callers can leave a message. The NCC’s client services will call back the same day or the following business day. Response time varies with the nature of the request/complaint.

  • Simple requests: immediate response
  • Requests that require follow-up by an NCC subject matter expert: response by telephone within three business days
  • Complex requests or complaints: up to five business days for response

The NCC aims to respond to requests or complaints on Twitter and Facebook within four hours.