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India land of hidden promise

Incredible India: Land of hidden promise

Blog October 26, 2018 In India, it’s the opposite—the risks are obvious, but the opportunities are somewhat hidden. It’s time to dig deeper.

EDC Peter Hall: Canada’s next fish crisis

Canada’s next fish crisis

Weekly Commentary October 25, 2018 Can opportunity be a crisis for Canada’s fishing industry?

The Commodity Tracker

The Commodity Tracker

Guide Commodity prices can impact exporting, world trade and your business, but you can stay abreast of prices and other indicators with this at-a-glance report.

opportunity in india

How growth in India is opening doors for Canadian businesses

Blog October 22, 2018 Infrastructure investment is an essential driver of this growth and offers considerable potential for Canadian investors.

pop up shops

Pop-up shops: How a short-term venture can lead to long-term success

Blog October 19, 2018 Bryan Sirois, EDC’s sector advisor for retail merchandise, explores why pop-up shops can be effective year round.

DC Peter Hall: Managing the Mayhem

Managing the Mayhem

Weekly Commentary October 18, 2018 The outlook is bright, but big parts of the global economic puzzle need to come together.

getting export ready

Here’s how five young entrepreneurs are getting export-ready and going global

Blog October 18, 2018 Startup Canada’s CEO on exporting tips from the regional winners of the Canadian Export Challenge.

Usmca de minimis

Do your duty: Higher de minimis requires more creative sales plans

Blog October 17, 2018 The proposed USMCA will give exporters access to over 400 million customers in the U.S. and Mexico.

time to celebrate small business

“I have a soft spot for small businesses”: How Canada is gearing up to celebrate

Blog October 17, 2018 Spread out across all sectors and regions, small businesses make up 98 per cent of all companies operating in Canada.

agribusiness in the EU

Food for thought: bringing agribusiness to the EU

Blog October 12, 2018 The EU is Canada’s fourth largest export market, we only account for 2 % of their agri-food imports. That means there’s a huge opportunity for export growth.