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MTL Cool

MTL Cool

Success Story The company was able to take on contracts — some as large as $8 million — thanks to guarantees from EDC that helped to ease cash flow problems.

India land of hidden promise

Incredible India: Land of hidden promise

Blog October 26, 2018 In India, it’s the opposite—the risks are obvious, but the opportunities are somewhat hidden. It’s time to dig deeper.

Latin america business strategy

3 reasons Latin America should be part of your international business strategy

Article October 25, 2018 Looking for new customers? You may find them going even more south of south.

EDC Peter Hall: Canada’s next fish crisis

Canada’s next fish crisis

Weekly Commentary October 25, 2018 Can opportunity be a crisis for Canada’s fishing industry?


Canadian companies hungry for growth are still turning to the U.S. market

Article October 25, 2018 The U.S. is still a top choice for many Canadian companies looking to get a foothold internationally. The new USMCA secures this bilateral trade for the future.

The U.S. is Canada’s largest trade partner, offering endless prospects for Canadian exporters. What opportunities are out there for your business?

Doing Business in the United States

Guide The U.S. is Canada’s largest trade partner, offering endless prospects for Canadian exporters. What opportunities are out there for your business?

USMCA stability for auto sector

How USMCA offers stability for Canada’s auto sector

Article October 24, 2018 Like many people in the Canadian auto parts sector, Craig Hodgins and his two partners at London Automotive and Manufacturing Ltd. are breathing a sigh of relief that the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) concluded with a positive resolution.

opportunity in india

How growth in India is opening doors for Canadian businesses

Blog October 22, 2018 Infrastructure investment is an essential driver of this growth and offers considerable potential for Canadian investors.

The Commodity Tracker

The Commodity Tracker

Guide Commodity prices can impact exporting, world trade and your business, but you can stay abreast of prices and other indicators with this at-a-glance report.

Aspin Kemp & Associates

Aspin Kemp & Associates

Success Story This company secured contracts worth more than $140 million thanks, in part, to EDC’s Account Performance Security Guarantee.