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Burlington Economic Development Corporation (BEDC)
BEDC works with the public and private sectors to promote economic growth in Burlington. BEDC provides networking opportunities for Burlington's business community and helps to build awareness, educate and strengthen business relationships.

Développement économique Longueuil (DEL)
DEL offers personalized services to meet the needs of businesses in the agglomeration of Longueuil or those looking to become established in the area. DEL organizes seminars to assist businesses in growing their export sales and diversifying their markets.

Fédération des Chambres de Commerce du Québec (FCCQ)
FCCQ represents businesses and business people involved in all sectors of the economy throughout Québec. FCCQ offers tools, programs, events and forums to nurture Québec entrepreneurship so that businesses can innovate and improve their productivity to achieve sustained growth.

Greater Halifax Partnership (GHP)
The GHP is a catalyst for economic growth and confidence in Greater Halifax, the economic hub of Atlantic Canada. GHP mobilizes resources to accelerate the economic growth of area and offers information seminars and training program to facilitate the international business development.

Quebec International
Québec International helps companies in the Québec City metropolitan region develop and maintain a competitive edge on international markets. Québec International offers assistance and training programs, networking events and conferences, personalized consulting services and pre-diagnostic service for exports.

Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership (STEP)
STEP champions the province's export industry and assists provincial businesses in realizing global marketing opportunities. Members are provided with core delivery programs and services focused on their needs. STEP offers trade development, market intelligence, international finance and logistics consulting services as well as industry/sector specific funding and training programs.

World Trade Center (WTC) - Montréal
WTC Montréal is tasked with providing support, training and advice to Quebec businesses, sector-based associations, institutions and economic development organizations in their international market development efforts. WRC offers training workshops, awareness seminars and trade missions in promising markets.


C100 is comprised of a select group of Canadians based primarily in Silicon Valley, including executives of leading technology companies, experienced start-up entrepreneurs and venture capital investors. C100 members are committed to share their collective experience, expertise and relationships to help mentor and grow a new generation of successful Canadian-led technology companies.

Canada's Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (CVCA)
CVCA represents the majority of private equity companies in Canada. CVCA is a leading source for advocacy, networking, information and professional development for venture capital and private equity professionals.


Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services Exporters (CAMESE)
CAMESE provides information, advice and marketing services to assist companies in the mining industry in exporting their products and services. CAMESE offers promotional opportunities to their members through their website and annual compendium.

Sudbury Area Mining Supply and Services (SAMSSA)
SAMSSA provides educational resources to assist companies in the mining industry with their export activities. Members are offered promotional opportunities through their web site and a catalogue of members.


Communitech is a not-for-profit organization that supports technology companies in the Waterloo Region. Their programs and events connect professionals and encourage the sharing of ideas, best practices and experience.

Interactive Ontario
Interactive Ontario promotes the interests of its members and seeks out the support of partners with a vested interest in the growth of the digital media content industry. Interactive Ontario offers several services and activities to support the growth of their members

Infrastructure and Environment

Association of Canadian Engineering Companies (ACEC)
ACEC offers Canadian engineering consulting firms opportunities to expand their knowledge of foreign business practices and trade opportunities in international markets as well as access and exposure to engineering consultants from around the world.

Canadian Construction Association (CCA)
CCA provides the Canadian construction industry with access to seminars on various aspects of exporting, foreign opportunities and a directory of members pursuing business internationally.


Asia Pacific Loan Market Association (APLMA)
APLMA is the only pan-Asian, not-for-profit trade association dedicated to promoting growth and liquidity in the primary and secondary loan markets of the Asia-Pacific region. APLMA provides their members with access to standard primary and secondary loan documentation, committees and sub-committees, extensive database and events.

Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce (BCCC)
BCCC links players from private and Government sectors who work together to strengthen bilateral trade and investments between Canada and Brazil. BCCC offers its members access to country and industry related events, direct access to high level private and public sector representatives from Canada and Brazil, as well as financial assistance and government support services.

Canada China Business Council (CCBC)
CCBC is the country's Canada-China bilateral trade and investment facilitator, catalyst and advocate, bringing more than three decades of experience and business relationship building to its members. CCBC offers its members' direct operational support in China to trade and investment advocacy on its members' behalf, networking opportunities, business intelligence, business and advisory services and access to events.

Canada-India Business Council (C-IBC)
C-IBC seeks to deepen the relationship between corporate and institutional Canada and their Indian counterparts. C-IBC offers exclusive briefings, advisory sessions, marketing opportunities and access to events to their members.

Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Mexico (CCCM)
CCCM helps their members by combining their experience, ample contact network and work efficiency expertise in the Mexican market. Commercial support information and access to events is also provided.

Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC)
ICCC promotes and facilitates trade and commerce between Canada, India and other countries around the world by creating relationships and links with global business organizations. The chamber provides members with a forum for networking, sharing ideas, information and experiences in order to promote mutual business success. ICCC also creates learning opportunities through seminars, workshops and conferences.

Light Manufacturing

Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC)
AIAC is the national voice of Canada's aerospace industry. AIAC facilitates business development opportunities, showcases the industry at global trade shows and provides aerospace research, data and analytical support.

Agri-Food Export Group
Agri-Food Export Group represents Canadian agri-food exporters. It offers seminars, conferences, roundtables, foreign promotional activities and export market validation.

Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association (APMA)
APMA represents OEM producers of parts, equipment, tools, supplies and services for the worldwide automotive industry. APMA promotes the O.E. automotive supply manufacturing industry both domestically and internationally. APMA organizes global marketing initiatives in order to develop trade and business opportunities for the members.

Canada's Medical Devices Technology Companies (MEDEC)
MEDEC represents the Canadian medical technology industry. MEDEC offers seminars, conferences and round tables, information and programs to support the growth of the industry.

Canadian Apparel Federation (CAF)
CAF is the national association for Canada's apparel industry. It provides information and advice on national and international issues. CAF offers innovative industry-wide tools and programs and promotes the industry in key markets.

Canadian Association of Mold Makers (CAMM)
CAMM is an industrial organization consisting of mold makers and their integrated mold making network. CAMM participates in trade shows, organizes industry specific events and seminars and offers promotional opportunities to their members through their web site and directory.

Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association (CME)
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association promotes the competitiveness of Canadian manufacturers and enables the success of Canadian exporters in markets around the world. Quebec Manufacturers and Exporters (a division of CME) has developed an in-depth guide in partnership with EDC, entitled Strategic Sourcing: Optimizing the process to gain a competitive advantage (PDF).

Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA)
CPIA is dedicated to the growth of the Canadian plastics industry. CPIA organizes seminars and workshops to increase the knowledge of their members, foster collaboration and promote growth opportunities.

Federation of Plastics and Alliances Composites (FEPAC)
FEPAC represents the Canadian plastics and composites industry. FEPAC focus on optimal manufacturing and global competitiveness and provides intelligence and information to their members through events, work groups and programs.

Packaging Association of Canada (PAC)
PAC represents the Canadian packaging industry and focuses on economic, social and environmental growth. PAC organizes plant tours and several technical and general business seminars.

Specialty Vehicles and Transportation Equipment Manufacturers' Association (AMETVS) (in French only)
AMETVS represents the Canadian specialty vehicles and transportation equipment manufacturers and is dedicated to improving its members' competitiveness and increasing their profitability. AMETVS organizes seminars, domestic and international tradeshows in addition to several incoming and outgoing buyers' missions.

Partner and Industry links

If we are unable to offer credit insurance coverage to potential customers, the following is a list of private credit insurers and associations operating in Canada that may be able to help.


Allied World Insurance




Euler Hermes

Red Rock

The Guarantee



Receivables Insurance Association of Canada


International Trade Training

EDC and FITT have teamed up to provide the skills you need to succeed in your international business career.

Learn more
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