
Recalls, Canada’s food guide, diseases, immunization, and health risks while travelling.


Services and information

Food and nutrition

Food recalls and safety standards. Canada's food guide and tips for healthy eating. Allergies and intolerances.

Diseases and conditions

Symptoms, risks, treatment and prevention of common diseases and illnesses.

Vaccines and immunization

Vaccines for babies, children, adults. Vaccination and pregnancy. Travel vaccination.

Drug and health products

Licences, inspections, buying and using products safely, side effects, recalls and complaints.

Product safety

Recalls and alerts. Standards and regulations for consumers. Health risks for pest control and chemical products.

Health risks and safety

Recalls and alerts. Safety at home and at work. How to be prepared for an emergency. Updates on disease outbreaks.

Healthy living

Drug and alcohol abuse. Smoking and how to quit. Pregnancy and fertility. Safety and nutrition for infants.

Indigenous health

Home and community care, and how to access health benefits. Nutrition and food safety. Mental health and addiction

Health system and services

How to apply for a health card. How our healthcare system works and is funded. Careers and training in health care.

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Science, research and data

Health science, research, data, monitoring and surveillance, and the determinants of health.


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