Drug and health products

Product licences, inspections, buying and using products safely, side effects, recalls and complaints

Services and information

Drugs and medication

Drugs (legal and illegal),  medicine (prescription), safe consumption, production, selling, licensing, regulations

Self-care products

Self-care products, cosmetics, over-the-counter drugs, regulating in Canada

Natural and non-prescription health products

Natural health products, associated guidelines and regulations

Licensing, authorizing and manufacturing drug and health products

Drug, medical device and natural health product licence applications, approvals, legal requirements

Inspecting and monitoring drug and health products

Drug and health product inspections, monitoring drug and health products

Buying and using drug and health products safely

Health product availability, importing, counterfeiting, prescription drug disposal, off-label veterinary drug use, buying drugs on-line, antibiotic resistance

Side effects, recalls and complaints

Submitting a drug or health product complaint, side effect database, report side effect, recalls, safety alerts

Helping you maintain and improve your health: drug and medical device highlights 2017

Learn about the new and innovative drugs and medical devices that have been approved for sale in Canada, risk communications that were published, and our other accomplishments in 2017.

What we are doing


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