Nominate Someone

Do you know someone who deserves recognition for their community service, volunteerism or commitment to improving the lives of others? Consider them nominating for an honour or award.

The Lieutenant Governor encourages British Columbians to nominate those extraordinary citizens to receive recognition for their commendable service. By recognizing someone, you are thanking them in a tangible way and inspiring others to follow their lead. Honours and awards that recognize outstanding community service, achievement and volunteerism include:

Order of Canada

The Order of Canada is the centrepiece of Canada’s honours system and recognizes a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation.

Order of British Columbia

The Order of British Columbia is the Province’s highest honour and recognizes those persons who have served with the greatest distinction and excelled in any field of endeavour benefiting the people of the Province or elsewhere.

The Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers

The Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers recognizes the exceptional volunteer achievements of Canadians from across the country in a wide range of fields. As an official Canadian honour, the Medal for Volunteers incorporates and replaces the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award. The Medal builds on the legacy and spirit of the Caring Canadian Award by honouring the dedication and commitment of volunteers.

British Columbia Medal of Good Citizenship

The Medal of Good Citizenship recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the well-being of their communities.

British Columbia Community Achievement Awards

The BC Community Achievement Awards celebrate British Columbians who go above and beyond in their dedication and service to others and who devote time and energy to making their communities more caring, dynamic, beautiful, healthy, and unique.

Indspire Awards

Representing the highest honour the Indigenous community bestows upon its own achievers, the Indspire Awards were created in 1993, in conjunction with the United Nation’s International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. The Awards recognize Indigenous professionals and youth who demonstrate outstanding career achievement. They promote self-esteem and pride for Indigenous communities and provide outstanding role models for Indigenous youth.

(Please note this is a representative sample of the various honours and awards available and not a complete list. If you know of an award you would like to see added, please contact us via email at

Note: The Lieutenant Governor cannot support, endorse or advocate for individual nominations or participate in the adjudication process of any honour or award.

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