Honours & Awards

Every day, across the province, British Columbians volunteer their time and dedicate their energy and resources to positively impact the lives of their fellow citizens. The Lieutenant Governor has an important role in honouring these outstanding British Columbians, celebrating their service and profiling their accomplishments. On behalf of the Governor General, the Lieutenant Governor presents orders, decorations and medals under the Canadian Honours System. The Lieutenant Governor also recognizes excellence across a range of disciplines by presenting awards that carry the Lieutenant Governor’s name.

There are hundreds of deserving British Columbians who are recognized for their service and selflessness by independent organizations. The Lieutenant Governor regularly attends ceremonies and assists in presenting the awards to these commendable British Columbians. Some examples of awards the Lieutenant Governor presents include the BC Community Achievement Awards, which celebrate British Columbians who go above and beyond in their dedication and service to others and who devote time and energy to making a positive difference in their communities; The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, which encourages personal development and community involvement for young people ages 14 to 25. At the annual Police Honours Night the Lieutenant Governor recognizes members of the RCMP and independent police services who have performed an exemplary service to the citizens of British Columbia.