Government of Yukon

Government Services


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Addiction resource centre for professionals

Adult protection and decision-making—care consent, advance directive

Alcohol and drug services

Child abuse—reporting

Child care provider licenses

Children with disabilities—family support

Children's dental program

Children—prescription drugs and eye care (financial assistance)

Child—placement and support services

Chronic disease program—benefits and coverage

Community health centres—listing, services

Continuing care—residential, home care, regional therapy services

Disability—services, resources

Environmental health—consultation, inspection, audits, enforcement

Family and children's services

Family supports—children with disabilities

Flu shot

Health care insurance plan—medical coverage

Health profession education bursary

Health promotion—breast health, congenital anomalies, smoking prevention, sexual health, travel

HealthLine 811—24 hour service

Healthy families—support, volunteer program

Hearing services—diagnosis, screenings, hearing aid

Home care program—long-term, acute, rehabilitative, palliative

Immunization program

Lotteries Yukon funding programs—art, sport, recreation

Medical treatment—travel, transportation, cost

Mental health services

Nursing bursary program—funding, students

Nutrition—resources, tips

Organ donation program

Palliative care program

Pharmacare and extended health care benefits—seniors

Pre-school dental program

Residential care programs—facilities, continuing care

Respite care services—contact information

Senior and elder abuse—help and support

Sexual health—testing, treatment, resources

Travel clinics—travel assessment consultation, vaccines, appointments

Vital statistics—adoption, birth, change of name, correcting a record, death, geneology, marriage, fees

Youth justice—probation, custody, treatment, programs