A few reasons why you will want to attend the Canadian Open Data Summit 2018: Learn, connect and be inspired

October 29, 2018


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The authors of the blog are the lead organizers for the 5th edition of the Canadian Open Data Summit (CODS).

This year’s Canadian Open Data Summit (CODS) will be held in Niagara Falls, Ontario from November 7 to 9, 2018. Niagara is a region with connections between 12 local area municipalities and over 200 other public, private, and non-profit organizations. Together, these groups are collaborating to publish, analyze and use Open Data from both the public and private sectors.

Inclusive Audience

While putting together the agenda for the Canadian Open Data Summit this year, we've really seen how relevant and useful this Summit is for many knowledge domains, sectors, and professions. We have police officers, start-up entrepreneurs, app developers, academics, students, Indigenous leaders, environmental analysts, economic developers, big corporations, software trainers and many others actively participating in the Summit! With such a diverse mix of audience, consider the possibilities for ideation - for example, police talking to coders, or entrepreneurs talking to professors.

Toward Common Open Data Standards

Even more exciting is that this year’s CODS is clearly taking the next step in establishing common open data portals, protocols, practices and standards. When all of this comes together, one can actually analyze all data sets together, and start harvesting a host of valuable insights. This is the pathway to realizing the true promise of Open Data for all.

Learning Opportunities

In addition, CODS18 will go deeper by providing an accessible on-ramp to data and Open Data for the truly uninitiated. Some workshops on the first day of the summit are particularly geared at providing skills to participants who are not quite familiar with open data or have little idea on how to use open data. There will also be sessions on best practices around organizing hackathons, introductory software classes by both Tableau and Esri Canada and much more!

Charting the future of Open data together

With this upcoming 5th annual Canadian Open Data Summit, we aim to sustain the future work of both this national event and the open data movement as a whole. The Open Data movement seems to be in a stage of "graduating" from leadership by public servants, toward being truly community-driven. Many diverse stakeholder groups have an interest in seeing more data sets, from more knowledge domains, opened up more frequently, to create more value all around. Building on this requires both continuity in administration and ideation. There will be an important Summit wrap-up panel session for all participants to help chart the way forward. Whether you are an Open Data rookie or veteran, taking part in this year’s Canadian Open Data Summit will help to shape our common future.

There’s still time to register and be part of this event. Click here to register and follow the discussion on Twitter with #CODS18.

We look forward to seeing you in Niagara.

Paul Connor

Paul Connor is currently director of operations at CleanTech North, a community of interest among clean technology founders, investors and supporters; and a volunteer at Niagara Connects, currently the secretariat for the 5th Annual Canadian Open Data Summit.


Mary Wiley

Mary Wiley is Executive Director of Niagara Connects, a network of diverse socio-economic players who gather, share and use evidence (data, information and knowledge), to inform focused action planning for a stronger future.

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Submitted by Claudio Valdebenito on October 31, 2018 - 2:17 PM

Open Data is such a relevant topic nowadays. At my university, we have held and participated in different summits and conferences addressing this matter, those interested in them please visit https://www.uautonoma.cl/, there is plenty of information on Open Data. Thanks.