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Welcome to the online version of the laws of Manitoba.

This page describes the types of laws that can be accessed from the menus above. It also describes how they come into force.


An Act (also called a statute) is a law enacted by the Legislative Assembly. A bill becomes an Act when it receives royal assent. Before receiving royal assent, a bill must pass through various stages of review and approval in the Legislative Assembly. For a description of the legislative process, or to check the content or status of a bill, use the "Legislative Assembly" links above.

On this site, the Acts are grouped into two main categories: consolidated Acts and unconsolidated Acts.

Consolidated Acts. These are Acts of continuing application as amended from time to time. They are grouped into three subcategories: C.C.S.M., municipal Acts and private Acts.

Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba (C.C.S.M.). These are public Acts of general application.

The list of Acts includes, for each Act, a link to an information table about amendments to the Act and, if there are any regulations under the Act, a link to its table of regulations.

Information about amendments and the coming-into-force of a C.C.S.M. Act is found under the "Info" link for that Act in the list of C.C.S.M. Acts.

Municipal Acts. These are public Acts of application to specific municipalities. The list of municipal Acts includes information about amendments to the Acts.

Private Acts. These Acts are not of general application. They confer powers or special rights or exemptions on specific individuals or groups. The list of private Acts includes information about amendments to the Acts.

Unconsolidated Acts. These are Acts as originally enacted by the Legislative Assembly. They are grouped into two subcategories:

Annual Chapters. These are the Acts as enacted by the Legislature, beginning with the 1988-89 legislative session.They are not updated with any amendments. If an Act has been amended and is still in force, the amended version can be found among the consolidated Acts.

Public General Acts (unconsolidated). These are a small subset of the annual chapters. They typically do not amend other Acts, are seldom amended, and are usually effective for a limited time or purpose. For example, each year the Legislative Assembly enacts an Appropriation Act giving the government expenditure authority for a fiscal year.

Coming-into-force of an Act

The last section of an Act usually specifies when the Act (or any part of it) is to come into force. Typically it comes into force on one of the following dates:

•  the day the Act receives royal assent, or a specified number of days after royal assent;

•  a specified date (e.g. "January 1, 2014")

•  on a date to be fixed by proclamation; or

•  on a date that something occurs (for example, another Act comes into force).

If an Act (or part of an Act) is to come into force on proclamation, the information table for that Act provides the proclamation status. A separate table of proclamations lists all the proclamations for Acts or provisions coming into force after 2006. It includes a link to the text of each proclamation after 2009. Earlier proclamations were published in Part 1 of the Manitoba Gazette.


A regulation is delegated legislation. It is made by a person or body under the authority of an Act passed by the Legislature. The regulation-making body is specified by the Act. Usually it is the Lieutenant Governor in Council, a member of the Executive Council, or a board, commission or tribunal.

The regulations on this site are the regulations that have been registered under The Statutes and Regulations Act or the former Regulations Act.

These regulations are grouped into three categories: consolidated regulations, original unconsolidated regulations and court rules.

Consolidated regulations. The table of consolidated regulations lists the registered regulations, as amended from time to time, that are currently in force. You can access the consolidated regulations under an Act in one of three ways:

•  by clicking on "Consolidated regulations" under the Regulations menu above

•  by clicking on the "Regulations" link under the title of the Act when you are viewing that Act (for the regulations under that Act)

•  by clicking on the "R" link beside the title of the Act in the list of C.C.S.M. Acts (for the regulations under that Act)

When viewing the table of consolidated regulations you can choose to list only the regulations currently in force or to include a list of the amending regulations for each regulation. You can also choose to list repealed regulations.

The list of consolidated regulations also includes links to previous versions that were in force after May 1, 2014.

Unconsolidated regulations. The list of unconsolidated regulations lists the original regulations as registered by the Registrar of Regulations. They are not updated with any amendments. If a regulation has been amended and is still in force, it can be found under the consolidated regulations.

Court rules. These are regulations governing procedures for the Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench and the Manitoba Court of Appeal.

Coming-into-force of a regulation

The coming-into-force of a regulation is governed by the regulation itself, by the Act under which it is made, and by The Statutes and Regulations Act. Unless a regulation or the Act under which it is made provides otherwise, the regulation comes into force on the day it is registered by the Registrar of Regulations. The date of registration is always shown on the first page of the regulation.