Province Appoints New Member to Manitoba Human Rights Commission

December 18, 2018
Manitoba Justice has appointed a new member to the Manitoba Human Rights Commission (MHRC). Darcy Strutinsky has been appointed for a three-year term. Strutinsky provides independent...

Province Announces Appointments to Manitoba Public Insurance Board

December 18, 2018
Two new members have been appointed to the Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) board of directors, Crown Services Minister Colleen Mayer announced today. “MPI is committed to exceptional...

The creation of an Illicit Drug Task Force was announced today by Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen (centre) Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman (left) and Robert-Falcon Ouellette, member of Parliament for Winnipeg Centre (right).

Task Force Created to Combat Increased Distribution and Use of Illicit Drugs

December 18, 2018
Federal, provincial and municipal leaders have formed a task force to address and respond to the rapid increase in the distribution and use of methamphetamine and other substances. The...

Province Delivers Funding to Reduce Crime across Manitoba

December 17, 2018
BRANDON—The Manitoba government is distributing nearly $450,000 through the Proceeds of Crime Fund to Manitoba police agencies to engage communities in combating the illicit drug...

Province Announces Dialysis Services Expanded in Brandon

December 17, 2018
BRANDON—Dialysis services are being expanded in Brandon, launching new options for Westman residents living with kidney failure, Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen...

New MRI Scanner Officially Opened in Dauphin

December 17, 2018
DAUPHIN—A new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner in Dauphin is now accepting patients, increasing access and reducing travel times for residents in Manitoba’s Parkland...

Province Seizes 71,000 Contraband Cigarettes

December 17, 2018
Following an investigation into the sale of contraband cigarettes, members of the Manitoba Finance Taxation Special Investigations Unit have seized 71,000 contraband cigarettes, with assistance...

Province Appoints Chief Administrative Officer of Manitoba Financial Services Agency, Chair and CEO of Manitoba Securities Commission

December 14, 2018
David Cheop, QC, has been appointed the chief administrative officer of the Manitoba Financial Services Agency and chair and chief executive officer of the Manitoba Securities Commission (MSC),...

Province Advises Westbound South Perimeter Highway Closing for Repair Work

December 14, 2018
Manitoba Infrastructure advises that after a detailed inspection and assessment of the westbound lanes on the Red River Bridge along the south Perimeter Highway (PTH 100), repair work will begin...

Provincial Government Offices to be Closed December 24

December 14, 2018
Provincial government offices will be closed Monday, Dec. 24 to allow employees extended time with their families over the holiday season. Essential services will remain available and...

Province Announces Pilot Recruitment Efforts for Lifeflight Program

December 13, 2018
Two new pilots will be recruited for Manitoba’s Lifeflight program and approximately $750,000 in work has been authorized to maintain the province’s two Citation jets, Infrastructure...

Premier Brian Pallister Calls for Leadership to Repair the Economic Union

December 13, 2018
Following the meeting of Canada’s first ministers in Montreal last week, Premier Brian Pallister today re-emphasized the tremendous cost of internal trade barriers to the economy and to...

Province Announces Funding for Circles for Reconciliation

December 13, 2018
The Manitoba government is strengthening its support for reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people by funding Circles for Reconciliation, Indigenous and Northern Relations...

Manitoba Heritage Trust Program Funds Local Projects

December 13, 2018
Funds have started to flow from the Manitoba Heritage Trust Program that will support local museums as they work to engage the community and highlight the history of the province, Sport, Culture...

Province Names Board Member to Red River Basin Commission

December 12, 2018
Manitoba Sustainable Development advises it has named Melvin (Mel) Klassen to the Red River Basin Commission board of directors. The Red River Basin Commission is a charitable,...

Province Announces New Rural Family Medicine Residency Program to be Based in Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority

December 12, 2018
A new family medicine residency program in the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority (IERHA) will enable medical residents to learn more about rural medicine and encourage physician...

Manitobans Reminded to Have a Fire Safe Holiday Season

December 12, 2018
The focus of this year’s winter holiday fire safety campaign is to ensure everyone takes the time to address the hazards that cause fires during the holidays, Growth, Enterprise and Trade...

Province of Manitoba Announces New Framework for Tax Increment Financing

December 12, 2018
The government of Manitoba is introducing a new Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Framework that will strengthen the use of TIF as a tool to support economic growth across Manitoba, Municipal...

Province Announces Funding for 57 Additional Community Development Projects

December 11, 2018
The Manitoba government will be providing $950,000 in grants to projects for non-profit and community-led organizations across the province, Municipal Relations Minister Jeff Wharton announced...

Consumer Protection Office Reminds Manitobans of their Rights When Buying or Using Gift Cards

December 11, 2018
Many shoppers will find gift cards a convenient shopping choice this holiday season.  Whether giving or receiving a gift card, the Manitoba Consumer Protection Office is reminding everyone...

Province Announces Conservation Trust Now Accepting Project Proposals

December 10, 2018
The Manitoba government is looking for projects that conserve and enhance natural infrastructure and support the Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan, Sustainable Development Minister...

Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen has signed a multi-million dollar federal-provincial funding agreement to increase treatment capacity for users of meth and other debilitating illicit drugs. Minister Friesen was joined by (right) Dr. Jitender Sareen, Medical Director Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Mental Health Program and Head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Manitoba, International Trade Diversification Minister Jim Carr, and member of Parliament for Winnipeg South Centre on behalf of Ginette Petitpas-Taylor, Canada’s minister of health and Sarah Guillemard, MLA for Fort Richmond.

Federal-Provincial Agreement to Fund Flexible Length Withdrawal Management Beds for People with Methamphetamine Use Disorder

December 7, 2018
Manitoba has signed on to the Government of Canada’s Emergency Treatment Fund, increasing funding to establish flexible length withdrawal management and recovery beds, and establish...

Province Takes Action Against Gender-Based Violence

December 6, 2018
The Manitoba government is remembering victims of gender-based violence and creating a cabinet committee to find solutions, Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires, minister...

Province Introduces New Legislation that would Set Out Framework for Referendums in Manitoba

December 6, 2018
The Manitoba government has introduced new legislation that would establish rules for conducting referendums on matters of public importance, Justice Minister Cliff Cullen announced today....

Manitoba Launches Economic Growth Action Plan

December 6, 2018
The Manitoba government is launching its Economic Growth Action Plan and establishing a modern approach to supporting economic development in the province, Premier Brian Pallister announced...

Province to Shine Spotlight on Manitobans' Contributions to Environmental Sustainability

December 6, 2018
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2018 Manitoba Excellence in Sustainability Awards, Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires announced today. “The Manitoba...

Province Starts Public Consultations on The Traffic and Transportation Modernization Regulations

December 6, 2018
For the first time in the province’s history, the Manitoba government is set to undertake a 30-day online public consultation on regulatory changes, Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler...

Government Announces Consultations on Mandatory Entry-Level Training for Truck Drivers

December 5, 2018
The Manitoba government will move forward with a broad consultation with industry and other affected stakeholders on mandatory entry-level training (MELT) for truck drivers in the province,...

Province Introduces New Legislation that would Enable Disclosure of Personal Health Information in Exceptional Circumstances

December 4, 2018
Proposed changes to legislation would allow a person’s personal health information to be disclosed without their consent if necessary to reduce the risk of serious harm to themselves or...

Health-system Innovators Receive Awards for Improving Patient Care and Efficiency

December 3, 2018
Health-system innovators from across the province received awards today from Health Minister Cameron Friesen for projects that have improved services for Manitoba families. “As health...

Province Launches New Online Course to Prepare Youth for Entering Job Market

December 3, 2018
The Manitoba government is launching a new online Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course to teach youth the basics about workers’ and employers’ rights and responsibilities for...