You deserve Shorter Wait Times

Health care is one of the most important - and most expensive - services provided by the Manitoba government.

Manitobans pay more than most Canadians per capita for a health system that does not deliver better care. In 2016/17, the health care budget increased by 5.8 per cent. If the budget continued to increase by that amount each year, the health care budget would be close to $13 billion in just 12 years. This is not sustainable.

Every Manitoban deserves continued improvement in health care services to better support their health. By transforming our health-care system over the next five years, the Manitoba government will reduce wait times and provide better health care sooner for Manitobans.

Better Health Care Sooner

Improved Wait Times

Better results are expected through easier access, shortened wait times and common standards of care. With simplified, streamlined management, patients needing care in these areas of service will benefit from greater efficiencies. Read more about improved wait times >>

Need for Change

Manitoba remains at or near the bottom of national rankings in a number of categories, including waits for emergency department services and some diagnostic tests and surgeries. Read more about need for change >>

Health System Transformation

A better health system is one with a simple structure that makes it easier to access care. Read more about Health System Transformation >>

The current health system is complex and centred around hospital-based services. Part of the transformation work includes changes to how services are delivered. There are already some success stories, including the consolidation of emergency surgeries and bed management for critical care in Winnipeg. Learn more here.