Job search made easy, on the go

Easy-to-use features to help you find a job quicker.


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Keep track of your favourite jobs

Cards view

Swipe through jobs to speed up your search

Customize your job search. Use filters to find exactly what you’re looking for.


Browse through thousands of jobs across Canada or see who’s hiring nearby.

Scroll through your jobs in a list, or switch to a cards view. Swipe left to move onto the next one and swipe right to add it to your favourites.

Alerts Get notified

Be the first to know about the latest jobs that could interest you. Save your search criteria and receive alerts when matching jobs are advertised on Job Bank.

Favourites Follow up on your favourites

Never lose track of an opportunity. Pick out the jobs that interest you, and save them all in one place as you apply. View your favourite jobs even when you are offline. Get notifications reminding you to apply when jobs in your favourites are about to expire.

Start your search

Discover Job Bank’s other job search tools, learn more about how to find a job or download the app and start your search now:

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