• Prime Minister's statement on the Trans Mountain Pipeline project
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYGood afternoon. Thank you all for coming.There are times in the life of a country when we come together in common purpose, for the good of the country.This is one of those times.For months now, we have worked hard with the governments of British Columbia and Alberta to help them chart a path forward together on the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project.
    Ottawa, Ontario - April 15, 2018
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers remarks in the House of Commons.
    Remarks by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on the Recognition and Implementation of Rights Framework
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYMr. Speaker,I would like to begin by recognizing that we are on the ancestral land of the Algonquin people.Last September, at the United Nations, I spoke to delegations from around the world and told some hard truths about Canada’s long and complicated relationship with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.I talked about the colonial approach that led to the discriminatory and paternalistic Indian Act.A colonial approach that systematically ignored the history of the Métis Nation, and denied its peoples their rights.
    Ottawa, Ontario - February 14, 2018
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
    Speech by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Center for Public Affairs
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYIt’s my sincere pleasure to be here with you all.Thank you, Fred, for that very kind introduction and for inviting me to speak here, just three days after the anniversary of President Reagan’s birth.I think there could be no finer setting than this marvelous library, such a fine testament to his legacy, for the conversation I’d like to have with you today.
    Simi Valley, California - February 9, 2018
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addresses the crowd during the World Economic Forum.
    Prime Minister keynote speech at the World Economic Forum 2018
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYGood evening, everyone. Thank you, Borge, for your kind words. It’s an honour to be here in Davos.Thank you to this year’s outstanding co-chairs: Sharan, Fabiola, Isabelle, Christine, Ginni, Chetna, and Erna.Before I begin, it won’t surprise you that my remarks today will address the importance of progressive values in the context of globalization.
    Davos, Switzerland - January 23, 2018
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologizes to LGBTQ2 Canadians in the House of Commons
    Remarks by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to apologize to LGBTQ2 Canadians
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYMr. Speaker –One of the greatest choices a person can make in their life is the choice to serve their fellow citizens. Maybe it’s in government, in the military, or in a police force. In whatever capacity one serves, dedicating your life to making Canada – and indeed, the world – a better place is a calling of the highest order.
    Ottawa, Ontario - November 28, 2017
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologizes on behalf of the Government of Canada to former students of the Newfoundland and Labrador residential schools
    Remarks by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to apologize on behalf of the Government of Canada to former students of the Newfoundland and Labrador residential schools
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYKuei,Atelehai.Hello everyone.Thank you all for being here.Before we begin, I’d like recognize that we are in the homeland of the Inuit and Innu.We are here today to acknowledge a historic wrong.At the turn of the 20th century, the Moravian Mission and the International Grenfell Association, with the support of the provincial government, established schools with dormitory residences for Indigenous children in Newfoundland and Labrador.
    Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador - November 24, 2017
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Address to the 72<sup>th</sup> Session of the United Nations General Assembly
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Address to the 72th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYGood afternoon.Mr. President, fellow delegates, friends.Before I begin, I would like to offer Canada’s condolences, in the light of Tuesday’s earthquake in Mexico, to all families and friends in mourning.We wish a speedy recovery for all those who have been injured, and thank all first responders for their tireless efforts to help keep people safe.Our thoughts are also with our friends in the Caribbean who continue to suffer from devastating hurricanes.
    New York, New York - September 21, 2017
  • Remarks by the Prime Minister to announce Canada’s next Governor General, Ms. Julie Payette
    Remarks by the Prime Minister to announce Canada’s next Governor General, Ms. Julie Payette
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYThank you all for being here today.Last week I had the honour of meeting with Her Majesty The Queen, in Scotland.It was a particularly poignant visit, taking place as it did during both the 150th anniversary of Confederation, and the 65th year of Her Majesty’s service as Canada’s Head of State.
    Ottawa, Ontario - July 13, 2017
  • Canada Day address by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Parliament Hill
    Canada Day address by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Parliament Hill
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYHello everyone! Happy Canada Day! What a crowd!
    Ottawa, Ontario - July 1, 2017
  • Address by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge
    Address by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYConsider:The price they paid.The burden they bore.The country they made.  Seven thousand and four Canadians were wounded in the battle that began here, 100 years ago today. Three thousand, five hundred and ninety-eight Canadians died.This, from a population, in 1917, of just eight million.Think of it, for a moment. The enormity of the price they paid.
    Vimy Ridge, France - April 9, 2017