
Complaint reviews

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How much detail is enough?

The complainant, Robert Muir, says there were flaws in an article CBC Toronto published in the aftermath of flooding the city experienced last summer. He felt the article left readers with the wrong impression...

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Telling the truth over time

The complainant, Jean-Paul Murray, secretary of the Gatineau Protection Committee, thought two stories involving information about Gatineau Park were biased and omitted critical information. There was...

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Framing affects balance

The complainant, Josette Wier, objected to a story on CBC News Network about the Alberta oil price plunge. She said it was false to say it was due to pipeline capacity and that generally CBC coverage...

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How deep to dig

The complainant, Jean-Paul Murray, thought CBC was distorting the truth and defending the status quo regarding Gatineau Park in a story about severe flooding in western Quebec. The story was about the...

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Pitfalls of personal stories

The complainant, Kym Sweeny, said she had not given consent to be featured in an online article based on her interview on Cross Country Checkup, and that the article did not accurately reflect what she...

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The private person and public persona

The complainant, Stephan Hladkyj, considered a segment on The Current about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange disrespectful and inappropriate. He thought talking about conflicts with his hosts in the Ecuadorian...

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Talking about race is not racism.

The complainant, Oliver Alexander, thought a story about an all-white city council in a city with 57% visible minority population was racist. He thought the implication was that the white councillors...

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Hello from CBC's new Ombudsperson

This is my first day as CBC’s new Ombudsperson. I’d like to tell you a bit about how I plan to do the job. It starts with a pretty fundamental question:...



Happy New Year and farewell. I have published my last review, and now I want to say goodbye and thank you. Thank you to all of you who care about journalism...


News Fluency

Working journalists and academics alike have been spending a lot of time thinking about ways to restore trust in their work, and to help citizens discern...
