Here's what you need to know about the immigration sponsorship program that was only open for 10 minutes

This was the third application process the government has tried since the Liberals were elected in 2015, and every year, people complain it isn’t fair

Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, addresses an audience at Cambrian College in Sudbury, Ont. on Thursday January 24, 2019. John Lappa/Sudbury Star/Postmedia Network

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OTTAWA — As Parliament returned this week, controversy erupted over an immigration program that allows Canadians to bring their parents and grandparents to Canada, after the online application process reached capacity on Monday less than 10 minutes after going live. People who weren’t able to apply will have to wait another year to try again, and were furious.

This isn’t the first time there’s been anger about the application process for the parent/grandparent sponsorship program — in fact, this was the third application process the government has tried since the Liberals were elected in 2015, and every year, people complain it isn’t fair.

But this time was a little different. Conservative immigration critic Michelle Rempel was quick to raise the issue, releasing a statement Monday suggesting the Liberals are preventing people from bringing their parents and grandparents to live with them, while rolling out a red carpet for asylum seekers illegally entering the country. In turn, Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen accused the Conservatives of pretending to care about family reunification, while crediting his own party with dramatically improving the program.

Here’s what you need to know about the parent/grandparent sponsorship program, and why people are so upset about it.

What is the parent/grandparent sponsorship program?

The program lets Canadians sponsor their parents and grandparents who want to immigrate to Canada. Sponsors have to show proof that they meet a certain income threshold to be eligible. Until 2011, the number of applications wasn’t capped, but the number of family members accepted each year was limited, leading to a backlog of 167,000 applications. In 2011, the Conservatives closed the program to new applications and only reopened it in 2014. The number of applications accepted has increased gradually since then, as the backlog has declined. This year, the government plans to accept 20,000 applications. Roughly 20,000 parents and grandparents come to Canada each year.

Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen accused the Conservatives of pretending to care about family reunification, while crediting his own party with dramatically improving the program

Why are people upset?

The sponsorship program typically accepts new applications just once a year. The 2019 intake process opened on Monday, but closed again after less than 10 minutes, with all 27,000 spots already filled.

Those who had tried unsuccessfully to apply were quick to voice their anger. Many said that they opened the form as soon as it went live, but by the time they submitted it, the program was already closed. “I had my schedule cleared, computer set up, kept refreshing every few seconds. Form went from open to closed right away,” wrote Twitter user Naimul Khan. “This is not a concert ticket you are selling, this is about uniting families. The whole process is atrocious.”

Several users said they were told the application process was closed just seven or eight minutes after it opened. “It’s appalling that IRCC would put people through this,” wrote Elizabeth Wozniak, a Nova Scotia-based immigration lawyer, in an email to the National Post. “IRCC even indicated the form would take 10 minutes to complete, so how did 20,000 people even have time to fill it out?”

Why does the process work this way?

This isn’t the first time people have complained about the application process for the sponsorship program. In fact, the Liberals have tried three different systems since forming government in 2015, and every year, there’s an outcry.

Until 2016, the government used a first-come, first-served process that required would-be sponsors to mail their applications to a processing centre in Mississauga. That year, the program closed just three days after it opened, with some applicants spending hundreds of dollars on courier services. Many complained that the process unfairly penalized those who lived further afield.

In 2017, the government introduced a new lottery system that selected potential sponsors at random. The new process was meant to level the playing field, but many applicants complained that the lottery was unfair because it meant that someone who had applied for several years in a row might never be able to sponsor a parent if they were unlucky.

This isn't the first time people have complained about the application process for the sponsorship program

Fast-forward to 2019, and the government has reverted to a first-come, first-served process, but using an online application instead of a form submitted by mail. Mathieu Genest, a spokesperson for Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen, said more than 100,000 people tried to access the form during the brief time it was available on Monday, competing for just 27,000 spots.

What’s the solution?

Howard Anglin, former chief of staff to Conservative immigration minister Jason Kenney, said it’s difficult to avoid the annual wave of frustration from those who weren’t successful, simply because there’s more demand than there are spots available.

It would be possible to further raise the income threshold for would-be sponsors to try and reduce the demand, he said, but then people would complain that the program is only accessible to the wealthy. “There’s no good solution other than to be as clear as possible with people about what their chances are.”

NDP immigration critic Jenny Kwan said the government should scrap the cap on applications and increase resources to process more applications faster. “Families are frustrated, they’re angry, and now they have to wait another year before they can even have another shot at another application,” she said in an interview. The NDP is also arguing that more parents and grandparents should be accepted each year, and that the financial requirements should be reduced.

But Genest said the processing time for sponsorship applications is now 20 to 24 months, down from the seven to eight years it took when there was no cap on applications.

Are the Liberals bringing in more parents and grandparents than the Conservatives?

The outcry over the application process has led to a back-and-forth between Liberals and Conservatives over who cares more about family reunification. On Monday evening, Hussen pointed out on Twitter that the Liberals “increased the intake of parents and grandparent applications from 5,000 under the Conservatives to 20,000 this year.”

That’s true, but as Anglin pointed out, that doesn’t mean the Liberals have actually brought in many more people. Canada’s immigration levels plans show that the country accepted roughly 25,000 parents and grandparents annually in 2012. That number dropped to 20,000 people in 2014, and will rise again to 21,000 in 2020.

Anglin explained that the Conservatives accepted a smaller number of applications simply to eliminate the backlog.

However, Hussen pointed out in question period on Tuesday that the Conservatives took issue with a recent House of Commons committee recommendation to increase family-class immigration. “Parents and grandparents brought to Canada under the family class category may not be able to work or find employment, depending on their age,” the Conservatives wrote. “This can become a burden on the federal government in terms of financial support, as well as a drain on the provinces through their various social programs and health care resources.”

“They can run but they cannot hide from that position,” Hussen said.

What do the irregular asylum seekers have to do with this?

The short answer is nothing. Rempel released a statement on Monday pointing out that the Liberals have just announced another $114 million for the influx of asylum seekers entering the country illegally, “yet they shut the door on parents and grandparents after a mere 10 minutes.”

“Those who play by the rules should not be pushed to the back of the line,” she wrote.

But family-class immigration and the refugee system are two separate branches of Canada’s immigration system, Kwan argued. “I think the comments from the Conservatives are disgusting, frankly,” she said. “Those two streams do not cross. They do not impede one or the other. And to suggest otherwise is misleading at best.”

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