

  • Taylor Katzel, Program Assistant for CBC Kids News

    CBC/Radio-Canada couldn’t be what it is if it wasn’t for its employees. Some of them are well known figures, seen and heard by thousands everyday; others work in the shadows, making all we do possible with their knowledge and skills. Some of their jobs are well known and some are unique, almost mysterious. However, they are all crucial for us to accomplish our mission. In this series of employee portraits, we want to introduce you to the people who make your public broadcaster your trusted source of news and entertainment.

    Jan. 25, 2019 10:00 A.M.
  • The RCI Mobile apps: bringing Canada to the world

    CBC/Radio-Canada takes its mandate “to inform, enlighten and entertain” very seriously. In addition to helping Canadians learn more about their own country, we share Canada with the world via Radio Canada International (RCI), which provides content in the five most widely spoken languages on the planet – English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Mandarin.

    Jan. 18, 2019 9:54 A.M.

CBC/Radio-Canada Services

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