Furloughs and Pay Cuts Announced for U of Arizona Employees
Furloughs and Pay Cuts Announced for U of Arizona Employees
Amy Schleunes | Apr 20, 2020
The measures are an attempt to mitigate an “extreme financial crisis” during the COVID-19 pandemic, the university says.
CDC Lab Contamination Delayed Coronavirus Testing
CDC Lab Contamination Delayed Coronavirus Testing
Ashley Yeager | Apr 20, 2020
Assembling the first COVID-19 test kits in the same room as coronavirus material, along with other practices that didn’t follow protocol, made the tests unusable, officials say.
N95 Respirators Can Be Decontaminated from SARS-CoV-2
N95 Respirators Can Be Decontaminated from SARS-CoV-2
Amy Schleunes | Apr 19, 2020
Vaporized hydrogen peroxide is the most effective decontamination method for masks that had been exposed to the coronavirus in a recent study.
DNA Could Hold Clues to Varying Severity of COVID-19
DNA Could Hold Clues to Varying Severity of COVID-19
Marla Broadfoot | Apr 17, 2020
Hundreds of scientists around the globe are launching studies in search of genes that could explain why some people fall victim to coronavirus infection while others escape relatively unscathed.
With Humans Indoors, Animals Go Wild
With Humans Indoors, Animals Go Wild
Lisa Winter | Apr 17, 2020
Across the globe, wildlife is exploring empty places usually occupied by people.
Quasi-Lymphatic System in the Rodent Eye Clears Waste
Quasi-Lymphatic System in the Rodent Eye Clears Waste
Abby Olena | Apr 16, 2020
Two rodent models of glaucoma have defects in the waste drainage system.
Opinion: Public Health Trumps Privacy in a Pandemic
Opinion: Public Health Trumps Privacy in a Pandemic
John D. Loike, Ruth L. Fischbach | Apr 16, 2020
If governments were to use SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests to manage who can re-enter the workplace, society must accept a sacrifice of privacy.
Opinion: Redefining Productivity in the Age of COVID-19
Opinion: Redefining Productivity in the Age of COVID-19
Sadye Paez, Erich Jarvis | Apr 16, 2020
We mourned the closing of our lab. But then we got back to work—finding the balance between scholarly relevance and adapting to life in a world of new social norms.
Special Report
What Do Antibody Tests For SARS-CoV-2 Tell Us About Immunity?
What Do Antibody Tests For SARS-CoV-2 Tell Us About Immunity?
Katarina Zimmer | Apr 15, 2020
Studies from serum samples could transform our understanding of the spread of COVID-19, but what antibodies alone say about immunity is not yet clear.