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High-profile resignations a 'blow' to PM beset by questions about SNC-Lavalin

Jane Philpott's shocking resignation from cabinet has dealt Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a significant blow that has destabilized his government — but the prime minister can still survive this political crisis, political observers say.

Public servant gets tax agency to back down over Phoenix errors in income assessment

A federal government public servant recently succeeded in getting the Canada Revenue Agency to back down after taking the agency to court to force it to acknowledge that its tax assessment — based on inaccurate T4 slips — was wrong.

StatsCan study shows Canadian commute times are getting longer — and it's costing us

New numbers from Statistics Canada show an increasing number of Canadians take an hour or more to get to work. Research suggests that's not just bad for our health, but for our wallets, too.
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What is the Green New Deal — and why do Americans seem so obsessed with it?

It's an economic blueprint to save the planet from climate catastrophe. It's an enviro-socialist nightmare that will take away Americans' burgers. Exaggerations abound about the Green New Deal. Here's what you need to know about what the ambitious plan actually says.

Forget the snowy winters of your childhood, Canadian winters are changing

CBC/Radio Canada analyzed snowfall data collected by Environment Canada since the 1950s. Our winters are changing.

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