2018-2019 - Welcome to the Parliamentary Internship Programme!

Meet the 2018-2019 Interns

Meet Our Alumni

The record of achievement built by PIP alumni in the public service, academe, business, civil society, journalism and the legal profession is testament to the important role that PIP plays in developing the potential of exceptional young Canadians.

Message from Director

The ten interns will take part in one of the most comprehensive postgraduate work-study experiences in Canada. They will work closely with Members of Parliament on both sides of the House.

The Parliamentary Internship Programme of the Canadian Political Science Association is delighted to welcome over 200 alumni back to Parliament Hill to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

The celebrations will start with an alumni reception on May 9, 2019 where over 400 Parliamentarians, alumni, and friends of the Programme will join together to celebrate this historic yet innovative leadership program.
Press Release

Every year since 1970, the Parliamentary Internship Programme has welcomed 10 young professionals to Parliament Hill from September through June. The paid, non-partisan interns are selected through a national competition. Each intern works full-time for both an opposition and government Member of Parliament. During their internship, Parliamentary interns meet with senior policymakers, diplomats, journalists, scholars, politicians, and leaders in civil society. The interns take part in academic seminars, write an innovative academic research paper, share their knowledge of Parliament with young Canadians, and take part in legislative study tours to Québec, Brussels, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Nunavut.

Meet Our Sponsors

Sponsors and Friends A shared commitment to young Canadians and the quality of Canadian democracy inspires the private and public …

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Meet our MPs

Parliamentary Interns work closely with their MPs and their staff. They often assist with committee work – reviewing reports, meeting …

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Meet Our Sponsors

Sponsors and Friends A shared commitment to young Canadians and the quality of Canadian democracy inspires the private and public …

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PIP Blues Fall/Winter 2018

In this newsletter, we are excited to share with you some of the activities the interns have been busy with since September, both on and off the Hill!

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Meet the 2018-19 Interns

Thanks to the inspiration and dedication of Alf Hales, the Parliamentary Internship Programme has offered 390 young Canadians the experience of …

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Director’s Welcome

Welcome to website of the Parliamentary Internship Programme!

I am delighted to introduce the 2018-19 Parliamentary Interns: Sarah Crosby, Eleanor Davidson, Nicholas Doiron, Delphine Ducasse, Laura Fernz, Emma Lodge, Guillermo Renna, Grégoire Saint-Martin-Audet, Fregine Sheehy, and Andrew Walker. They join us during a very special year: the 50th anniversary of the Parliamentary Internship Programme.

The ten interns will take part in one of the most comprehensive postgraduate work-study experiences in Canada. They will work closely with Members of Parliament on both sides of the House. They contribute directly to public life through workshops with young Canadians and initiatives such as Samara Canada’s Everyday Political Citizen project. Interns meet and discuss public affairs with some of the country’s leading thinkers and policymakers during brown bag lunches. As they study politics on the Hill, they are also given the opportunity to undertake comparative research during study tours within Canada and abroad.

The program is a fantastic learning experience and a tremendous stepping-stone into academia, the private sector, and the public service. Its many supporters – the Canadian Political Science Association, the House of Commons, friends and sponsors, Members of Parliament, and the robust Parliamentary Internship Alumni Association – have built the program’s rich legacy.

Please follow along as the 2018-19 Parliamentary Interns share their experiences through InstagramFacebook, Twitter, and their innovative research papers.

Thank you for visiting our site,

Dr. Anne Dance, Director
August 2018
