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Meeting Schedule

Date / Time Studies & Bills Location Session  Note
  • Bill C-26, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (auto theft and trafficking in property obtained by crime)
    • Superintendent Michel Aubin, Director General (Criminal Intelligence Service Canada)
    • Detective Sergeant Stephen Boyd, Organized Crime Enforcement Bureau (Ontario Provincial Police)
    • Inspector Wayne Holland, Officer in charge of Project Impact (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
    • Chief Superintendent Joe Oliver, Director General Border Integrity (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
Room 257, East Block 40-2 [Link to the notice of this meeting]
  • Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
    • Paul Saint-Denis, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section (Department of Justice Canada)
    • Clause-by-clause consideration
Room 257, East Block 40-2 [Link to the notice of this meeting]
  • Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
    • Lynne Belle-Isle, Programs Consultant, National Programs (Canadian AIDS Society)
    • Jeet-Kei Leung, Communications Coordinator (BC Compassion Club Society)
    • Philippe Lucas, Founder/Executive Director (Vancouver Island Compassion Society)
    • Paul Saint-Denis, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section (Department of Justice Canada)
    • Kirk Tousaw, Executive Director (Beyond Prohibition Foundation)
Room 257, East Block 40-2 [Link to the notice of this meeting]
  • Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
    • Glen Greenwald (Cato Institute)
    • Rebecca Jesseman, Research and Policy Advisor (Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse)
    • Rita Notarandrea, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse)
    • Michel Perron, Chief Executive Officer (Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse)
    • Amy Porath-Waller, Senior Research and Policy Advisor (Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse)
Room 257, East Block 40-2 [Link to the notice of this meeting]
  • Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
    • Line Beauchesne, Professor, University of Ottawa (As an individual)
    • David Bratzer, Canadian Representative (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)
    • John Conroy, Lawyer (As an individual)
    • Lucie Joncas, President (Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies)
    • Craig Jones, Executive Director (The John Howard Society of Canada)
    • Howard Sapers, Correctional Investigator of Canada (Office of the Correctional Investigator)
    • Ivan Zinger, Executive Director and General Counsel (Office of the Correctional Investigator)
Room 257, East Block 40-2 [Link to the notice of this meeting]
  • Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
    • Neil Boyd, Professor, Simon Fraser University (As an individual)
    • Benedikt Fischer, Professor, Simon Fraser University (As an individual)
    • Don Head, Commissioner (Correctional Service of Canada)
    • Thomas Kerr, Research Scientist (BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS)
Room 257, East Block 40-2 [Link to the notice of this meeting]
  • Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
    • James Bonta, Director, Corrections Research, Corrections Research Unit (Public Safety Canada)
    • Guy Bourgon, Senior Research Officer, Corrections Research Unit (Public Safety Canada)
    • Chuck Doucette, Vice-President (Drug Prevention Network of Canada)
    • Dr. Brian Emerson, Chair, Psychoactive Substances Committee (Health Officers Council of British Columbia)
    • Jane Hazel, Director General of Marketing and Communications Services Directorate (Health Canada)
    • Elizabeth Hendy, Director, Policy Implementation Directorate (Department of Justice Canada)
    • Catherine MacLeod, Senior Director General, Regions and Programs Branch (Health Canada)
    • Kelly Morton-Bourgon, Senior Researcher, Research and Statistics Division (Department of Justice Canada)
    • Cathy Sabiston, Director General, Controlled Substances and Tobacco Directorate (Health Canada)
    • Daniel Sansfaçon, Director, Policy, Research and Evaluation, National Crime Prevention Centre (Public Safety Canada)
    • Paul Wheatley, Director, Evaluation Division (Department of Justice Canada)
Room 257, East Block 40-2 [Link to the notice of this meeting]
  • Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
    • Dr. Gabor Maté (As an individual)
    • Wayne Skinner, Deputy Clinical Director, Addictions Program (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
Room 257, East Block 40-2 [Link to the notice of this meeting]
  • Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
    • Justice Micheline Corbeil-Laramée (retired) (As an individual)
    • His Worship Peter Fassbender, Mayor (City of Langley, BC)
    • Chief Len Garis (Surrey Fire Services)
    • Ray Massicotte, Member of Board of Directors of CPA (Canadian Police Association (CPA))
    • Charles Momy, President (Canadian Police Association (CPA))
    • Eugene Oscapella, Professor, University of Ottawa, Department of Criminology (As an individual)
    • Joëlle Roy, Vice-President (Association québécoise des avocats et avocates de la défense)
Room 257, East Block 40-2 [Link to the notice of this meeting]
  • Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
    • James Morton, Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School (As an individual)
    • Darryl Plecas, Director, Centre for Criminal Justice Research, University of the Fraser Valley (As an individual)
    • Elizabeth Sheehy, Professor, University of Ottawa (As an individual)
    • Scott Wheildon, Lawyer (As an individual)
Room 257, East Block 40-2 [Link to the notice of this meeting]
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