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Report of the committee

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Standing Committee on Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament has the honour to present its


Pursuant to rule 12-7(2)(a), your committee recommends that the Rules of the Senate be amended by:

1. replacing rule 4-13(2) by the following:

Consideration of Government Business

4-13. (2) Except as provided in subsection (3), Government Business, including items on notice, shall be called in the following order, with Senate bills preceding Commons bills within their categories; bills, motions and inquiries being called in numerical order within their categories; and all other items being called in their categories in the order in which they were placed on the Orders of the Day:

(a) Bills – Messages from the House of Commons;

(b) Bills – Third Reading;

(c) Bills – Reports of Committees;

(d) Bills – Second Reading;

(e) Reports of Committees – Other;

(f) Motions;

(g) Inquiries; and

(h) Other.”;

2.  replacing rule 4-14 by the following:

Consideration of Other Business

4-14. Except as otherwise ordered by the Senate, Other Business shall be called in the following order, with bills, motions and inquiries called in numerical order within their categories, and any other items within their categories in the order in which they were placed on the Orders of the Day:

(a) Bills – Messages from the House of Commons (with Senate bills preceding Commons bills);

(b) Senate Public Bills – Third Reading;

(c) Commons Public Bills – Third Reading;

(d) Private Bills – Third Reading;

(e) Senate Public Bills – Reports of Committees;

(f) Commons Public Bills – Reports of Committees;

(g) Private Bills – Reports of Committees;

(h) Senate Public Bills – Second Reading;

(i) Commons Public Bills – Second Reading;

(j) Private Bills – Second Reading;

(k) Reports of Committees – Other;

(l) Motions;

(m) Inquiries; and

(n) Other. ”; and

3. updating all cross references in the Rules, including the lists of exceptions, accordingly.

Respectfully submitted,

