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Senate committee releases web documentary on relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canada
June 17, 2019

A new relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canada is badly needed But what does this really mean?

Members of the Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples spent weeks in Indigenous communities across Canada to ask these difficult questions — and to listen.

From the community of Délįnę, near Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories, to the Siksika Nation on the Bow River near Calgary, senators spent long, fruitful days hearing directly from Indigenous people about their vision for a new relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canada.

“Being an Indigenous senator, I feel a certain responsibility to do what I can to improve the situation for the First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples,” committee chair Senator Lillian Eva Dyck said.

The committee has released a short documentary about the time senators spent on the road and the people they met.

“We need to solve this,” deputy chair Senator Scott Tannas said. “We tried to come up with components of a study that would perhaps allow us — not to paint that picture ourselves, that’s not for us —  but to identify maybe some of the locks that need to be opened.”

Their time in Indigenous communities left a lasting impact.

“I think about those people and I really appreciate the opportunity to meet with them,” Senator Dan Christmas said. “Their words will always flow through us; it’ll always inform our work.”

Watch the full documentary here.