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For Media

The Senate Communications Directorate is the official point of contact for members of the media with the Senate of Canada.

Media and Filming inquiries

All media inquiries about the Senate of Canada should be directed to the Senate Communications Directorate.


Telephone: 613-992-1149


Covering Senate committees

Where can I find more information about committee meetings being held in Ottawa?

To find the time, location, name of witnesses presenting before a committee, and whether the meeting is televised, please refer to the Committees Schedule for details.

Televised committee meetings can be viewed online through ParlVU, a webcasting service that give access to live and archived streams of public proceedings of Senate committee meetings.


The Senate and Social Media

@SenateCA is the account of the Senate Communications Directorate. Produced by the Communications team, @SenateCA aims to provide Canadians with news and information about Canada’s Upper Chamber. The Senate of Canada’s hashtag is #SenCA

To find hashtags for each Senate committee and related weblinks, see A Quick Guide to Senate Committees.