Open Information

The goal of Open information is to provide easy access to all of the Government of Canada’s information. This provides Canadians with greater transparency of government programs, activities, publications and spending.


Search through our Open Information Portal.

Search through our open information portal

Explore our open information portal which provides access to digital information resources. Let us know what you think by contacting us.

Proactive disclosure

Browse reports that have been proactively disclosed by departments and agencies, including financial, human resources and government operations information.

Government expenditure management

Information about how the government spends and manages money, includes links to the federal budget, estimates publications and appropriation acts.

Government Service Strategy

Learn more about the Government of Canada’s Service Strategy and explore the work being done by to make service delivery more responsive, accurate and efficient.

Access to information

Learn more about the Canada’s Access to Information (ATI) legislation, search through completed ATI summaries, and make an informal ATI request.

Open by Default Pilot

Explore working documents provided by four Government of Canada departments as part of our commitment to making government more open and transparent.

Federal Science Library

The Federal Science Library (FSL) is a one-stop, self-serve portal where you can access library services and search the print collections and repositories of seven science-based departments and agencies from a single place.

GC InfoBase

Find the latest information on all government finances, people and results.

Government-wide reporting

Search through the expenditure database, Quarterly Financial Reports and other information the Government of Canada proactively discloses to ensure that Canadians and Parliament are better able to hold the Government to account.

Open Government Implementation Plans

Review departmental plans which outline the approaches Government of Canada organizations will take to meet the requirements of the Directive on Open Government.

Forward Regulatory Plans

Includes a listing of links, by organization, to information about anticipated regulatory changes or proposals that departments or agencies intend to bring forward within a given timeframe.

What's new in open government?

A map of Canada

Open government across Canada

Explore open government programs and events from coast to coast to coast, get information and tools to help build your own portal, including implementing the Open Government Licence in your jurisdiction.

Final action plan

Canada’s 2018-2020 National Action Plan on Open Government-homepage

Read Canada’s 2018-20 National Action Plan to see where Open Government is going.

Promotional image displaying envelopes

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