Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety


Mental Health Tips for Employers Fast Facts Card

Preview image of Mental Health Tips for Employers Fast Facts Card

Single item:

$2.00 * CAD






10.2 cm by 22.9 cm

4 in by 9 in

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*Single item price. Minimum order of 10 items applies.



There is no one-size-fits-all formula to create a mentally healthy workplace because every workplace is different - from the people doing the work, to the work that needs to be done, to the size of the organization, to the available resources at hand. However, commitment from leadership is essential for any organization to be successful.

Share this card which outlines 10 ways in which employers can support positive mental health, from encouraging employee participation in decision making to developing policies that take into account all mental and physical risk factors. By creating a culture of positive mental health, workplaces can become productive, safe and healthy spaces that foster worker growth, development and well-being.

These information cards are printed double-sided, with English on one side and French on the other, on sturdy card stock with a UV coating for added durability. Note that a minimum order of 10 cards is required.

We also offer a fast facts card with healthy habit tips for workers and a handout on steps to a mentally healthy workplace.