Tableaux des cotisants au Régime de pensions du Canada (RPC) Les Tableaux des cotisants au Régime de pensions du Canada (RPC) sont diffusés une fois par année et fournissent des statistiques historiques sur le nombre de cotisants par lieux de résidence et la répartition de leurs gains. Bien que cette diffusion soit annuelle, les données accusent deux ans de retard. Ceci est attribuable à la mise à jour continue des dossiers T4 de l'Agence du revenu du Canada avant leur parution. En guise de protection des renseignements personnels des clients, un « X » a été placé dans le cas où le nombre de clients recevant une prestation est égal ou inférieur à 9. Afin d’éviter la divulgation par recoupements, « X » a aussi été mis au nombre suivant de un clients le moins élevé, lequel peut être inférieur, égal ou supérieur à 9. Ce rapport utilise les gains totaux pour chaque personne qui peut provenir de plusieurs employeurs. 2012-01-31 2017-08-10 Emploi et Développement social Canada Société et cultureRégime de pensions du CanadaRPCgainscotisants Nombre de cotisants au RPC selon l'année et le lieu de résidence 1966-2015CSV Nombre de cotisants au RPC, selon le niveau de gains et le lieu de résidence, 2011-2015CSV Nombre de cotisants au RPC, selon le niveau de gains et le lieu de résidence, 2011-2015XLSM Nombre de cotisants au RPC selon l'année et le lieu de résidence 1966-2015XLSM

Tableaux des cotisants au Régime de pensions du Canada (RPC)

Les Tableaux des cotisants au Régime de pensions du Canada (RPC) sont diffusés une fois par année et fournissent des statistiques historiques sur le nombre de cotisants par lieux de résidence et la répartition de leurs gains. Bien que cette diffusion soit annuelle, les données accusent deux ans de retard. Ceci est attribuable à la mise à jour continue des dossiers T4 de l'Agence du revenu du Canada avant leur parution. En guise de protection des renseignements personnels des clients, un « X » a été placé dans le cas où le nombre de clients recevant une prestation est égal ou inférieur à 9. Afin d’éviter la divulgation par recoupements, « X » a aussi été mis au nombre suivant de un clients le moins élevé, lequel peut être inférieur, égal ou supérieur à 9. Ce rapport utilise les gains totaux pour chaque personne qui peut provenir de plusieurs employeurs.


Nom de la ressource Type de ressource Format Langue Liens
Nombre de cotisants au RPC selon l'année et le lieu de résidence 1966-2015 Jeu de données CSV Anglais
Nombre de cotisants au RPC, selon le niveau de gains et le lieu de résidence, 2011-2015 Jeu de données CSV Anglais
Nombre de cotisants au RPC, selon le niveau de gains et le lieu de résidence, 2011-2015 Jeu de données XLSM Anglais
Nombre de cotisants au RPC selon l'année et le lieu de résidence 1966-2015 Jeu de données XLSM Anglais

Commentaires (40)

I have applied for CPP and have confirmation of acceptance. First payment due in January 2018. I am working part time and collecting EI benefits. How will one benefit affect the other?

Hi Ron, Unfortunately, this isn't the correct comment system to address questions about CPP to. I would suggest you give the team in charge of CPP a call and they will be able to help much more than we can. Their contact info can be found here: You may also find this webpage useful: Regards, Momin Open Government

I go a letter today about my up coming CPP. It says I should credit split. I've been divorced for 16 yrs and have no contact with my ex. Should I do this and do I have to? Says I have to send a copy of my marriage cert and divorce cert. How can I find out if this will make much of a difference and for how much. Thx

Hello, Unfortunately this is the wrong comment section to get information about your request. I would recommend you contact the team responsible for CPP: Sorry I could not be of more help. Momin Open Government

Hi, I just recently turned 60. I currently receive a survivors pension of $453.00 per month. Should I be applying for my CPP at this time? How does it work with survivor pension? Do the two get amalgamated so I should get my CPP now as it will not change at 65? Help Please?

Hello, This comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including historic statistics on CPP but we do not deal with it directly. My best recommendation would be to contact the CPP team, their information can be found here: Sorry I could not be of more help. Momin The Open Government team

Hello, I plan to retire soon and work part time driving the school bus, will this affect my pension payments or just my taxes? Thank you

Hi Nancy, This comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including historic statistics on CPP but we do not deal with it directly. My best recommendation would be to contact the CPP team, their information can be found here: Sorry I could not be of more help. Momin The Open Government team

My late husband has had collect the pension and had passed away couple days ago. How can I report his death to the pension department?

Hello, Our condolences for your loss. Here are some resources that may be helpful: CRA instructions: Pensions Contact: Warmest regards, Momin The Open Government team

I would like to know how much I would get on cpp

Hi Bob, This comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including historic statistics on CPP and OAS, but we don't deal with these services directly. Here are some resources that may be of use to you: CPP Calculator: General Information on CPP: Sorry I could not be of more help. Momin The Open Government team

I've been trying to contact the CPP department, looking for my CPP statement. However, I've tried numerous times to call but the recording says they are experiencing a larger number of calls right now and to call back later. Is there another way I can obtain a printout of my CPP payments/earnings?

Hello, This comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including historic statistics on CPP, but we do not deal with this service directly. If you have a Service Canada account, you may be able to access your CPP through it. If not, you can go here to register for one: If this doesn't work for you, unfortunately you will have to try and call CPP again. Sorry I could not be of more help. Regards, Momin The Open Government team

I would to have monies taken off my CPP monthly. How can I accomplish thi?

Hi Jacqueline, This comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including statistics on CPP contributions but we do not directly deal with CPP services. My best recommendation would be to contact CPP directly: I hope this helps. Regards, Momin The Open Government team

I already age 68 but still working, can't I stop my CPP contribution, Yes / No ? If "yes" which government's department I can inform or through my company ? Thx

Hi Albert, This comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including statistics on CPP contributions but we do not directly deal with CPP services. My best recommendation would be to contact CPP directly: I hope this helps. Regards, Momin The Open Government team

Hi. I am 63 yrs old & have been collecting CPP for many years as I am a widow & also started to collect my personal CPP at age 60. I am wondering how to get taxes taken from my cheques as I have a balance owing this year. That would solve this issue. Thank you

Hi Karen, This comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including statistics on CPP contributions but we do not directly deal with CPP services. Our team only handles comments relating to the datasets and information posted on so I would recommend you contact CPP directly to get answers to all your questions: Thank you, Open Government team

Hi, I came to Canada when I was 27. I started contribute to CPP at age 28. Does this 9 years deducte from my total contributing years ( b/w 18 and 27)?

Helen, This comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including statistics on CPP contributions but we do not directly deal with CPP services. Our team only handles comments relating to the datasets and information posted on so I would recommend you contact CPP directly to get answers to all your questions: Thank you, Momin, the Open Government team.

I applied for CPP and recieved a letter with a number on it and where do I go from here. And has my Maiden name not my marred name,would this be correct

Hi Bev, This comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including statistics on CPP contributions. Our team only handles comments relating to the datasets and information posted on so I would recommend you contact CPP directly to get answers to all your questions: Thank you, Momin, the Open Government team.

cpp calculator link provided is broken or link name changed /

Hi Eduardo, Thanks for pointing that out to us. The new link can be found here: Regards, Momin, the Open Government team.

Apologies up front, but I'm having trouble finding the info I need - hopefully you can point me in the right direction. I am 35 and have had to stop working due to Multiple Sclerosis. Is there any way I can find out if I have even paid enough into CPP to be eligible for it? I have been working for the last 17 years and legally contributing. Thank you in advance!

Hi Lauren, CPP eligibility information can be found here: Our team only handles comments relating to the datasets and information posted on so I would recommend you contact CPP directly to have a more clear answer: I hope that helps! Momin, the Open Government team.

I would like to know if I collect my CPP at age 60 but continue to work and contribute how will this impact what I receive monthly from CPP?

Hi Gail, this comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including historic statistics on CPP, EI, and OAS but we do not deal directly with these services. I would recommend visiting the following website: If that doesn't help, I would suggest you contact CPP directly: Thank you, Momin, the Open Government team.

I will be turning 60 in June 2018. I would like to know how much I would receive in CPP. How do I find out this number? Thank you. Ruta

Hi Ruta, this comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including historic statistics on CPP, EI, and OAS but we do not deal directly with these services. I would recommend visiting the following website: If that doesn't help, I would suggest you contact CPP directly: Thank you, Momin, the Open Government team.

The English name William appears on my Canada passport and Canada citizenship card ( front ), however, this English name does not show on my Driver's Licence. Will this affect the application for my pension in the future ? if yes, on which documents should I change the name, and how ?

Hi William, this comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including statistics on OAS and CPP but are not the correct contact for answers related to these services. I recommend you contact CPP directly: Hope that helps! Momin, the Open Government team.

I saw the pension calculator. That is NOT what I want. I want to see the formula used to calculate the CPP benefit. It used to be on-line, and it is a poor service, and it is even hiding information, to purposely not publish the formula for how CPP is calculated. I saw it in prior years and it was not that complicated to me, even considering the dropping out provision, leaving/starting CPP early, etc. - certainly "complexity" is not that much and it is not an excuse to NOT publish the formula. I just want the current formula confirmed. Thank you.

Hi Natalie, this comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including historical CPP contributions but we do not hold information on how CPP is calculated. I would recommend you contact Canada Revenue Agency directly. Their information can be found here: Thank you, Momin, the Open Government team

I am 59 and stopped working 5 years ago. I am not sure if I should apply for pension at the age of 60 or 65, where I can calculate which option would be the most benefited for me. Very confused about the 8 years dropping the lowest years and the 36% of decrease when you apply before 65. Thank you

Hi, I recommend you contact Canada Pension Plan, their information can be found here: Thank you, Momin, Open Government team.

Search for CPP calculation but couldn't find any result

Hi Shirley, thank you for your comment. Can you clarify what specific calculations you are looking for? If you are looking to calculate your CPP, you can do so here: For more general CPP information, please visit: Thank you and I hope this helps. Momin, Open Government team.