Taxpayer Logo

Official site of the
a citizens advocacy group dedicated to lower taxes,
less waste and accountable government.

Campaign: Balance Alberta’s Budget

Would you rather see your tax dollars given to a bank in Toronto or used to fix a highway in Alberta?

Campaign: Help the CTF Fight in Court to End the Gag Law in Alberta

The Notley government is trying to muzzle freedom of expression by forcing organizations, like ours, to register and disclose donor information if we want to complain about their carbon tax.

Campaign: No Pipelines? No Equalization!

Quebec’s premier doesn’t want our “dirty energy,” but he’s happy to take your money. It’s not fair and we need your help to change it.

AB: Scrap Calgary’s $100 million Corporate Slush Fund

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AB: Take on Unfair Equalization Program

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AB: Cut city of Calgary spending and property taxes

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AB: Scale Back Calgary’s Golden Benefits

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AB: No Tax Dollars for Pro Sports Arenas

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AB: Fair Government Pay and Pensions

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Tackle equalization to stand up for taxpayers and Canada’s resources

July 04, 2019
Ottawa gave Alberta’s struggling energy industry a body blow by passing legislation to ban tankers on the West Coast and make the pipeline approval process virtually impossible. It’s tempting to seek retribution. So tempting. But there’s a better way for Premier Jason Kenney to stand up for Alberta and strengthen Canada: reform equalization. View More

Lots of fat left to cut at Calgary city hall

June 22, 2019
Instead of trying to figure out who to tax more, Calgary city councillors need to find ways to spend less. While the city has suggested there is a $250-million revenue hole, it has stayed quiet about the $400 million in extra spending that has occurred since 2014. These increases are following years of overspending. Had the city merely increased expenses at a slower rate – equal to inflation plus population growth – spending would have been over $4 billion less between 2008 and 2016. View More


Keating's False Statements

December 07, 2018
The following is a guest blog post by Colin Craig concerning comments by Councillor Keating about city council's golden pension plan, and Keating's recent comments about the city's retirement bonuses. View More

The Numbers are in: Olympics will Cost Taxpayers a Pretty Penny

September 14, 2018
This week, Calgary’s official Olympic bidding organization, “BidCo,” released their hosting plans for the 2026 winter games. The plan outlines how much the Olympics is expected to cost, infrastructure plans, expected revenues, and the total bill that must be covered by taxpayers. Let’s take a closer look at BidCo’s hosting plan and the potential bill (a little foreshadowing: taxpayers are expected to fork up a pretty penny). View More

Is Alberta going back into debt?

November 30, 2012

After previous Alberta politicians worked hard to get Alberta out of debt, it seems Premier Alison Redford has decided its time for the province to start borrowing money.

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Alberta tax dollars used to support the province's Conservative party

November 27, 2012

Alberta director Derek Fildebrandt comments on news Lynn Redford -- the sister of Alberta Conservative Premier Alison Redford -- used her position in the Alberta government to make donations to the province's Conservative party. The donations were made by the government department she worked for.

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CTF 2017-18 Pre-Budget Submission to the Government of Alberta

February 02, 2017
'Lifting the Burden: A roadmap for balanced budgets and tax relief in Alberta' calls on the government to balance the budget by 2019-20, pay down the province’s $28.4 billion debt as soon as possible, scrap the carbon tax and other tax hikes, and make meaningful reductions to spending. View More

CTF submission to Alberta Royalty Review panel

October 01, 2015
The CTF is happy to take part in ongoing stakeholder sessions for Alberta's Royalty Review panel. We surveyed our Alberta supporters to deliver their feedback to the panel. The overwhelming response we received was that royalties should be left alone. Our survey responses and a snapshot of the diverse responses we received are outlined in our submission to the panel. View More
You have the power to change who influences politics in our country: big unions, big corporations and government-funded special interest groups can be challenged by the contributions of thousands of individual taxpayers who care to make a difference.



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