Taxpayer Logo

Official site of the
a citizens advocacy group dedicated to lower taxes,
less waste and accountable government.

Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

1. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is committed to protecting your privacy. Your personal information (name, address, phone number, e-mail, financial information, etc.) is stored using secure technologies through our head office in Regina, Saskatchewan. The CTF adheres to strict policies to prevent any unauthorized access or use.

2. We receive personal information through our website, direct mail, field service representatives, telephone and text. In all instances, personal information is voluntarily submitted by you. The information which you provide is used to send or provide updates, information, and appeals on CTF issues and campaigns; The Taxpayer magazine; supporter surveys; requested publications; affinity and promotional product information; event information and registration; and requests for donations. The information is not used for any other purposes.

3. We do not, under any circumstances publish, disclose, sell, exchange, or give away personal information which we have collected from you, without your explicit approval to do so. We may share aggregate information about our supporter base, stripped of any personally identifiable information, to third parties in order to comply with reporting obligations, and for business or marketing purposes. We also provide information to third parties on a strictly confidential and secured basis, to distribute e-mails, magazines, surveys, telephone calls and text messages on our behalf.

4. The CTF collects information for purposes of providing services and information to our supporters, as described in paragraph 2 and 3 above. The CTF retains this information until you request to be removed from the CTF's data base. Information collected pursuant to the sale of publications, promotional items, affinity products, event registration and donations is retained as long as required by the Canadian Revenue Agency for tax and audit purposes.

5. Access to all personal information is restricted to CTF offices, employees and authorized agents only.

6. Occasionally, the CTF provides information about other organizations through our magazine or online links. The CTF does not take any responsibility for the privacy policies of these organizations, and encourages users to review the privacy policies of such organizations.

7. The CTF regularly organizes petition campaigns both online and through signature collection on paper. The names and addresses collected on these petitions, whether signed online or in person, are presented to the designated politician or body to whom the petition is addressed. Subject to paragraph 3 above, the CTF may also choose to send or provide information about itself to individuals who have added their name to a petition.

8. To review your personal information collected by the CTF or to be removed from our lists, please direct your request in writing to CTF Vice President of Operations Shannon Morrison #265-438 Victoria Avenue East, Regina, Saskatchewan S4N-0N7, or by e-mail at

9. The CTF complies with the federal Protection of Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act and all relevant provincial legislation.

You have the power to change who influences politics in our country: big unions, big corporations and government-funded special interest groups can be challenged by the contributions of thousands of individual taxpayers who care to make a difference.



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“False Alarms”“Message Delivered”
The Taxpayer