Taxpayer Logo

Official site of the
a citizens advocacy group dedicated to lower taxes,
less waste and accountable government.

Campaign: FED: Balance the Budget

Canada’s federal debt is growing at a rate $80 million per day. This level of borrowing is costing Canadians not just the principal, but additional interest each year.

Campaign: Fighting for First Nations Accountability with Charmaine Stick

Campaign: No Carbon Taxes!

Campaign: Stop the Federal government's attack on the middle class

Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s proposed changes to small business taxes will be one of the most dramatic changes in tax system in 45 years, and the Federal government wants to ram it through in 75 days.

Federal: No Media Bailout

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Federal: Lower Gas Taxes & Dedicate Them to Roads

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Federal: Build the Pipeline

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Federal: No More Trojan Horse Legislation

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Federal: Tell Ottawa to get out of the way of the energy sector

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Federal: Cut off expenses when a governor general leaves office

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Federal: No New Data Taxes on Internet Use

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Federal: No New Inheritance Tax

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Federal: Chop the meat tax

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Federal: Repeal the Tax Escalator

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Scrap the Yukon Carbon Tax

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Federal: No Money for Omar Khadr

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Federal: Enforce Transparency for First Nations

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Federal: End Corporate Welfare

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Federal: Stop the Employment Insurance Rip-Off

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Federal: National Referendum on Abolishing the Senate

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Federal: Re-negotiate Equalization

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Federal: Put Parliament's Expense Receipts Online

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Federal: Balance the Federal Budget

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Federal: Stop Bailing Out Government Employee Pension Plans

Federal, Saskatchewan
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Taxpayers are losing billions due to a lack of pipelines

May 24, 2019
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is launching a cross-country tour to show how much money taxpayers are losing because Canadian oil is sold for less than its full value due to a lack of pipeline capacity. The tour includes a large digital clock displaying losses increasing in real time. The CTF’s analysisshows the federal government lost $6.2 billion between 2013 and 2018 and that number is rising by $3.6 million per day. View More


Dining in the sky on taxpayers’ dime

May 10, 2018
Have you ever wondered what politicians eat when they’re travelling? We were curious to find out (and to find out how much it cost taxpayers) so we filed some Access to Information requests for the food consumed on the Prime Minister’s plane for a few months last year. View More

Update on the high-flying CRTC Commissioner

April 10, 2018
Last month we introduced you to Stephen B.Simpson, the CRTC’s British Columbia & Yukon commissioner and his preference for expensive flights and suggested maybe he stay home in BC. Except it turns out maybe his home isn’t even in BC. View More

Capital gains tax from the sale of your primary residence?

April 10, 2017
We’ve received a few emails recently from people concerned that they now have to report the sale of their home when filing taxes. The concern is that this may mean the government is looking to charge taxes on the money you make when you sell your home. View More

Canada's Pension Problem

December 04, 2012

A plain English video about a complicated matter - expensive government employee pensions costing Canadian taxpayers a fortune!

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Tax on the menu: Why taxing food and drink won’t make Canadians thinner

November 25, 2013
The CTF report titled: Tax on the Menu: Why taxing food and drink won’t make Canadians thinner. But will make their governments much, much fatter looks at dozens of peer-reviewed academic studies plus ample real world evidence from around the globe proving food taxes of all kinds are entirely ineffective in reducing obesity. View More

2013 Federal Pre-Budget Sumission

November 20, 2013
After five years of profligate spending, the Conservative government of Stephen Harper did a decent job keeping a lid on spending in 2012-13. However, more will need to be done if the government is going to keep the promise they made in the 2011 election. View More
You have the power to change who influences politics in our country: big unions, big corporations and government-funded special interest groups can be challenged by the contributions of thousands of individual taxpayers who care to make a difference.



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