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Joseph A. Day

Senator Joseph A. Day

  • Province: New Brunswick (Saint John-Kennebecasis)
  • Affiliation: Liberal Party of Canada
  • Telephone: 613-992-0833
  • Fax: 613-992-1175
  • Email:  vCard
  • Staff: McCavour, Cindy; Kuchar, Leonard; Gropp, Caitlin; Nicholson, Melanie; Napoles-Medina, Luis; Helbin, Chasse


Senator Joseph A. Day
B. Eng. (RMC), J.D. (Queen’s), L.L.M. (Osgoode), FEC

Joseph A. Day was born in Saint John, NB, and grew up in Hampton, NB. In 1963, he arrived at Collège Militaire Royal de Saint-Jean and went on to graduate from the Royal Military College of Canada in 1968 as Best All-Round Graduate (Van der Smissen-Ridout Award) and an Outstanding College Athlete (soccer). He holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the Royal Military College of Canada, a Juris Doctorate from Queen’s University and a Masters of Laws from Osgoode Hall Law School. He has been a member of the bars of Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick. As well as a Patent and Trademark Agent, he was a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geo-Scientists of New Brunswick.

On October 4, 2001, he was called to the Senate upon the recommendation of the Rt. Hon. Jean Chrétien. Senator Day represents the province of New Brunswick and the Senatorial Division of Saint John-Kennebecasis.

Since June 15, 2016, Senator Day has served as the Leader of the Independent Senate Liberal Caucus. He also currently serves as Co-chair of the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations and is a member of the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce and the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance. Senator Day previously served as Deputy Chair and then as Chair of the National Finance Committee for many years. In addition, he is a member of many inter-parliamentary associations, including the Canada-China Legislative Association, where he serves as Co-chair, and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, where he holds the position of International Vice President.

His areas of interest and specialization in the Senate include: science and technology, defence, veterans’ issues, international trade, human rights, heritage and literacy. Additionally, he hosts annually an RMC Cadet visit to Parliament Hill, as well as the Royal Canadian Air Force Association’s “Air Force Day on the Hill” and the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada’s annual “World IP Day” on Parliament Hill. Senator Day was appointed Honorary Lieutenant Colonel of 722 (Saint John) Communication Squadron in January 2002 and served until November 2005.

A well-known lawyer and engineer, he has had a successful career as a private practice attorney. His legal interests include Patent and Trademark Law, and Intellectual Property issues. He has been recognized as a specialist in Intellectual Property matters by the Law Society of Upper Canada, and is a fellow of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada.

He is also an active member of his community. He has served on the Board of the Corps of Commissionaires for New Brunswick, and currently sits on the Board of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, and the Board of the Canadian Battlefields Foundation. He is a Board member and Honourary Legal Counsel for the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award - Canada. He has also served as National President of the Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada (1996), as chair of the RMCC Foundation (1997-2000), and as a member of the RMC Board of Governors (2004-2007). He is a recent recipient of the Birchall Leadership Award.

Senate Business

Committee Membership

The following are ex officio members of all committees except for the Standing Committee on Ethics and Conflict of Interest for Senators and the joint committees:

  • the Leader of the Government (Government Representative) and the Leader of the Opposition or, in the absence of either, their respective Deputy Leaders; and

Pursuant to the Order of the Senate of November 7, 2017:

  • the Legislative Deputy to the Government Representative or the Government Liaison, in the absence of the Government Representative; and
  • the leader or facilitator of any recognized party or recognized parliamentary group or, in their absence, the designated deputy leader or deputy facilitator.