People's Alliance of New Brunswick

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People's Alliance of New Brunswick

Alliance des gens du Nouveau-Brunswick
Active provincial party
LeaderKris Austin
PresidentClaude Stewart
FoundedJune 9, 2010 (2010-06-09) (officially registered)[1]
HeadquartersFredericton, New Brunswick
Fiscal conservatism
Direct democracy
Political positionCentre-right[2]
Seats in Legislature
3 / 49

The People's Alliance of New Brunswick is a provincial political party registered in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. In the 2018 election, the party won 3 seats in the provincial legislature for the first time since its foundation almost a decade ago. The party went from 1.2% intentions of votes in 2010 to 12.5% in 2018. The party advocates for "common sense" government, and advocates for a abolition of the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, and a transfer of the responsibilities of that office to the office of the Ombudsman.


The People's Alliance Party of New Brunswick was created in the spring of 2010 amidst opposition to the provincial government's plan to sell NB Power to Hydro-Quebec, and was officially registered on June 9, 2010.[1] It is claimed to be based on the values of "conservatism, rural populism and opposition to some aspects of official bilingualism and duality"[3] according to its leader but had promises of a referendum on bilingualism in their platform since its foundation until 2018's election.

In the provincial election held on September 27, 2010, the party aimed to run as many candidates as possible.[4] It nominated 14, none of whom were elected. The party won 4,365 votes in those ridings.

The current provincial leader of the party is Kris Austin, a former interdenominational minister and candidate for the PC Party nomination in the Grand Lake-Gagetown riding.[5] He was the Deputy Mayor of Minto from 2012 to 2016.

In 2018 three People's Alliance of New Brunswick candidates were elected including leader, Kris Austin in the riding of Fredericton - Grand Lake. Michelle Conroy was elected in Miramichi, unseating two-time Liberal Cabinet Minister Bill Fraser, and Rick DeSaulniers was elected in the riding of Fredericton - York.

2014 election[edit]

During the 2014 election campaign (August–September 2014), the People's Alliance fielded 18 candidates. The party presented a 36-page election platform with policies on fiscal responsibility, economic development, a comprehensive education strategy, democratic reform among many other policies, which was completely costed out and audited by an independent firm. In mid-August the governing Progressive Conservative party threatened to pull out of the CBC,[6] Rogers and CTV leaders debates if People's Alliance leader Kris Austin or Green leader David Coon were allowed into the televised debates. CBC stood its ground, citing the right of all New Brunswickers to see and hear all five leaders debate the issues. Soon after PC leader David Alward reversed his decision when CBC was to go ahead without him[7] Rogers soon followed suit, reversing its decision to keep Austin and Coon out. In the end, only CTV (Bell Media) kept Austin and Coon out of its roundtable debate, which was aired three days before election night.

The party did not win any seats in the election; however, leader Kris Austin missed being elected by only 26 votes in the riding of Fredericton-Grand Lake. Austin was granted a recount.[8] The recount upheld the election night results with only one additional vote going to Austin than originally counted.

The party had two third-place finishes with LeRoy Armstrong in Sussex-Fundy-St.Martins and deputy leader Wes Gullison in Southwest Miramichi-Bay du Vin.

2018 election[edit]

In the 2018 election, the party won 3 seats in the provincial legislature.[9] Party leader Kris Austin was elected in Fredericton-Grand Lake, Rick DeSaulniers was elected in Fredericton-York, and Michelle Conroy was elected in Miramichi. The party won 12.58% of the popular vote.[10][11]

2019 legislative accomplishments[edit]

At a December 18, 2018 committee meeting, MLAs of the province increased he budget of the Auditor General by $1 million, something that had long been in the platform the PANB. The Commissioner of Official Languages also received a 25% budget increase, even though the PANB campaigned on abolishing the office. The constituency office budget was also increased by $10,000 to $50,000 for each MLA. This budget had not seen an increase in ten years, and the money goes toward office expenses in each constituency. Each of the four parties now starts with a base budget of $250,000 and gets $25,000 per MLA in the caucus. For the People's Alliance, that's new and under the new formula, will get additional funding worth 1.5 times the base budget.[12] The raise is perceived as highly controversial in an economy that forces the government to cut essential life saving services and care.[13]

Platform and policies[edit]

The 2018 platform of the People's Alliance contained the following, and as of August 8th, 2018 were still posted on the party's website:

Return to Fiscal Balance: Without question, our first responsibility to the long-term prosperity of New Brunswick is proper management of the public purse.  Investing in needed areas while eliminating redundant and wasteful spending will be our top priority.

Increase of the Auditor General’s Budget[edit]

An increase in the Auditor-General’s budget will allow this office the freedom to complete a full audit of the government books.  The audit will provide the details necessary to allow a People’s Alliance government to identify where spending and or investments have been successful or not.

  • Current Auditor General’s budget is $2.3 million annually (lowest in Canada per capita)
  • People’s Alliance is proposing an increase to $4 million annually

A significant portion of the increase in the Auditor General’s budget will be funded by the removal of the Language Commissioner’s Office.

Tax Reform[edit]

New Brunswick is one of the highest taxed provinces in Canada. A People’s Alliance government would implement tax reform by:

  • Returning power of assessment to municipalities using standard models from other
  • Reviewing "equal opportunity" payments to municipalities to ensure they are fair and efficient
  • Including machinery and equipment in assessments to large industry
  • Eliminating the double tax system
  • Eliminating small business tax
  • Joining Ontario & Saskatchewan in opposing Carbon Tax jurisdictions (with support from Regional Service Commissions)

Eliminate Corporate Handouts[edit]

The Province of New Brunswick will save approximately $200 Million per year by eliminating the handouts to large corporate interests.  This will provide the province the flexibility to eliminate the small business tax and invest in the small to medium business market in New Brunswick.

Government that makes sense: The People’s Alliance believes that the citizens of New Brunswick deserve a government that will work for them and in their best interests. We will ensure their voices are heard in the legislature. Our party was formed because of the lack of representation our citizens are receiving with the current and former governments. We believe that New Brunswickers can govern this province and should have a voice in that process. New Brunswick is a province with numerous resources and opportunities for growth that are not being utilized and a People’s Alliance government will work with ALL New Brunswickers to bring our province back to prosperity by focusing on what is important to the people and the things that a government should be focusing on.

Responsible Resource Development[edit]

Natural resource development plays a vital economic role for the people and province of New Brunswick. The People’s Alliance will continue to support the environmentally responsible development of our natural resources, and work for the people of New Brunswick to ensure job growth and adequate royalties are received.

The People’s Alliance will order a complete audit of all royalties/rates and make any necessary changes to ensure the people are receiving fair value on natural resources.

  • The People’s Alliance will support the environmentally responsible development of New Brunswick’s natural resources
  • We will work with First Nations groups to collaborate on new developments
  • The People’s Alliance will ensure that strong royalties and rates are negotiated to increase general revenue
  • A People’s Alliance government, when necessary, will hold public referendums on contentious developments on a regional basis. Referendums will only be held when there is no clear consensus on whether a resource should be developed or not.


As a People’s Alliance government our desire is to see that the people's voices are respected in the way we manage and protect our resources and the environment.

We see a rural society struggling that once had access and local employment opportunities that have severely eroded and the resources seemingly to be mainly in the control and interests of large corporations.

We must as government accept responsibility, provide for the conservation of species, protect the soil, water and atmosphere and ensure multiple benefits to society.

We propose policies and practices that lead to achieving those objectives in the interests of all the people of our province.

Our platform will address those mutually beneficial objectives as good stewards of the great resources we have been blessed with in the following criteria.

  • Reduce the size and percentage of clear cutting to balance economic viability and environmental concerns
  • Cease herbicide (glyphosate) spraying on crown lands
  • Preserve water and soil by safeguarding conservation areas and buffer strips (brooks, streams, rivers)
  • Increase primary source for private woodlots owners with fair market values
  • Provide competitive access to crown land for current mills as well as new industrial opportunities
  • Ensure forest planning that respects Aboriginal rights      
  • Ensure Department of Natural Resources directs policies and planning without political or corporate meddling
  • Mandate an exhaustive review by the Auditor General on allocation, forest management, royalties & stumpage fees, etc.
  • Work with industry to develop new and innovative use of pulp wood
  • Ensure crown lands are accessible to the people of New Brunswick for responsible recreational use

New Brunswick Open for Business[edit]

A People’s Alliance government wants to provide opportunities for the small to medium business market to flourish and grow our economy.  We believe that this market segment is the key to bringing economic stability back to New Brunswick. We will work with the business owners in this segment to ensure that they have what it takes to become successful and grow their businesses, including:

  • Eliminating the small business tax
  • Working with WorkSafe NB and employers to ensure premiums are fair to both stakeholders
  • Eliminating unnecessary and burdensome regulations and simplify application processes

Streamline NB Liquor and Cannabis NB[edit]

With all the challenges facing the people of New Brunswick, government should not be in the business of retailing alcohol and marijuana.  As such, our model would increase revenue while decreasing expenditures, create jobs, and save millions annually.

  • Deliver retail into the hands of the private sector
  • Regulate and license the sale of liquor and cannabis with strong enforcement  
  • Use attrition, opportunity first for carry-over stores and for other public sector openings
    • The process of streamlining will be carried out over time to ensure the orderly transition from public to private

Changes to the Motor Vehicle Act[edit]

A People’s Alliance government believes that New Brunswickers need to see more money in their pockets.  We need to remove some of the burdensome taxes that we must pay including:

  • Enacting a one-time only vehicle registration (automobile, ATV, snowmobiles, etc.)
  • Eliminating the tax on the private sale of previously owned vehicles
  • Eliminating the requirement for the front license plate

Common Sense Language Policies that Promote Fairness and Harmony[edit]

Contrary to the false messages and accusations from those who wish to hold on to power at any cost, the People’s Alliance supports the original ideals of bilingualism and mutual respect of our linguistic communities, including First Nations. We prefer to promote unity and cooperation by ending over forty years of language debate by adopting a policy based on common sense, logic, and the realities in New Brunswick. We feel that this approach will ensure the vibrancy and future of both official languages and cultures, an end goal that everyone can agree with.

  • Eliminate duality in government services including school buses and healthcare authorities
  • Eliminate the office of the Official Language Commissioner  
  • Utilize translation technology
  • Base bilingual hiring requirements on demographics (where numbers warrant)
  • Government hiring practices to be based on qualifications and ability to perform the job

Animal Protection[edit]

A People’s Alliance government will review the laws and policies for the protection of domestic animals and ensure greater enforcement of the current legislation.


The goal of the People’s Alliance is to promote community wellness and healthy lifestyle programs to reduce the need for healthcare services. We will eliminate waste, inefficiencies and mismanagement within the healthcare system.

Our platform is intended to provide a sustainable health care system that responds to the urgency and consistency required in staffing, facilities and emergency, plus tele-care and patient connect services.

  • Establish a unified bilingual Health Authority, responsible for Hospitals and Clinics, Ambulance New Brunswick, Extra Mural Health Care, Nursing and Special Care Homes.
  • Eliminate doctor billing number system to retain and recruit family doctors
  • Increase the number of specialist positions to reduce surgery wait times
  • Establish a new program within ERs to streamline acute care and reduce wait times
  • Ensure balanced language requirements for paramedics (based on demographics) to increase paramedic availability and lower wait times for emergency responses  
  • Utilize ambulance bays as options for patients needing minor medical attention
  • Increase resources for mental health
  • Increase utilization of Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists and Optometrists
  • Increase number of small community family care clinics lead by nurse practitioners
  • Provide dedicated funding for nurse practitioner positions
  • Enhance training and education programs to best meet the health and nursing care needs of New Brunswickers


A People’s Alliance government will promote an environment where seniors can be independent and live at home as long as possible by:

  • Increasing resources and funding to support non-profit organizations who provide in-home services to seniors
  • Enhancing affordable support initiatives to assist at-home seniors including meaningful assistance to family members who provide necessary care
  • Increasing property tax rebate for seniors who live in their own home
  • Recognizing and easing the burden of financial constraints confronting seniors living at home
  • Returning senior care and nursing care under the Department of Health
  • Seniors homes will not be appropriated to support nursing home expenses
  • We will respect public sector pensions and will not balance the books on the backs of seniors
  • Staff existing nursing home facilities to enable beds to be filled alleviating the pressure on hospital beds


The People’s Alliance goal is to represent a people’s voice in the accessibility and implementation of our educational and learning systems while relating to local communities that encourages students, supports teachers, relates with parents and the community pride at large.

Also, to accept responsibility as a government to see that our people receive excellence in programs, teaching and systems to achieve provincial, national and international standards of expected learning to compete in their desired vocations and professions.

Our platform is intended to support excellence in teaching and provide accessibility and affordability to all learners at all levels of school, and in collaboration with advanced education in college and university institutions.

  • Maintain a focus of achieving educational standards and beyond with attention to the basics of reading, writing, mathematics, and sciences
  • Perform a thorough review of the current second language programs to enable a consistent system of second language training that does not hinder the learning of the educational basics in the mother tongue
  • Return to local school districts to provide more autonomy to teachers, Principal leadership and individual schools. Allow local leadership to make decisions on issues of funding expenditures, delivery of curriculum and inclusion practices
  • Deliver an educational program that encompasses academics, trades, life skills and special needs
  • Emotional intelligence curriculum to be provided as well as access to school psychologists and public health nurses through the continuation of an expanded Integrated Service Delivery Program
  • Ensure a safe, positive, respectful learning environment for staff and students and reinforce the importance and need for families and communities to continue the educational and social aspects outside of the school environment
  • Increase access to Alternative Learning Centers, as well as a focus on the use and implementation of technology for enrichment, distance and life-long learning, and the continued viability of rural schools

Post-Secondary Education[edit]

Our post-secondary institutions are an asset that must be leveraged to aid in economic development and the long-term prosperity of our province. The economic footprint of these institutions is immense (over $1 billion) and the capacity that they have to aid in the growth of our economy cannot be overstated.

Investing in our Post-Secondary institutions benefits all New Brunswickers. For many years, under successive Liberal and PC governments, New Brunswick’s universities have not been provided with adequate long-term stable funding. This has forced universities to make tough decisions regarding their capacity to teach and conduct high quality research. It is also the main driver that has led to one of the highest tuition rates in Canada. These high tuition rates force potential students to leave the province for cheaper education elsewhere in Canada.

A People’s Alliance government would negotiate multi-year funding agreements with our universities. These agreements will be based on the following guidelines:

  • Provide an initial multi-year funding agreement allowing for a 4% increase to the operating budgets per year for four years
  • Require that 10% of the new funding be directed towards supporting applied research activities within the universities

To stabilize rising tuition rates and provide stability for families planning to send their children to university, a People’s Alliance government would:

  • Freeze tuition rates for the duration of the multi-year funding arrangement
  • Continue to fund the freeze until tuition rates match the national average
  • Return a system of tuition tax credits for students who choose to remain in the province after completing their post-secondary education
  • Forecast future skill requirements in conjunction with the private and public sector to establish necessary training programs
  • Review involvement in funding to institutions of higher learning by corporations to ensure that there is no influencing or promoting of corporate or political agendas

We will initiate discussions with the stakeholders (including administration officials, faculty representatives, and student groups) to determine a sustainable path forward for each institution. These discussions will include controlling rising tuition rates, increasing student participation, and focusing on how best to maximize our academic and research capacity in the province.

Election results[edit]

Election Leader Votes % Seats +/– Position Government
2010 Kris Austin 4,363 1.2
0 / 55
Steady 0 Increase 5th Extra-parliamentary
2014 Kris Austin 7,964 2.1
0 / 49
Steady 0 Steady 5th Extra-parliamentary
2018 Kris Austin 47,709 12.58
3 / 49
Increase 3 Increase 3rd Support Progressive Conservative minority government


  1. ^ a b "People's Alliance forms new N.B. political party". CBC News. June 9, 2010. Archived from the original on July 2, 2010.
  2. ^ MacDonald, Michael. "N.B. Tories win most seats, but Liberals will try to stay in power". CTV Atlantic News. Retrieved 25 September 2018.
  3. ^ "After years on the fringe, People's Alliance ready to take next step". CBC News. August 30, 2018.
  4. ^ "People's Alliance opposes 2nd nuclear plant". CBC News. July 11, 2010. Archived from the original on July 15, 2010.
  5. ^ "People's Alliance: Kris Austin". CBC News. August 13, 2010.
  6. ^ "Progressive Conservatives pull out of CBC election debate". CBC News. August 19, 2014.
  7. ^ "Tories reverse decision, agree to CBC election debate". CBC News. August 22, 2014.
  8. ^ "Kris Austin applies for recount in Fredericton-Grand Lake". CBC News. September 29, 2014.
  9. ^ [1]
  10. ^ [2]
  11. ^ [3]
  12. ^ "Parties agree to boost MLA spending on offices, travel during closed-door meetings". CBC News. May 1, 2019.
  13. ^ "Higgs government under fire for budget cuts and loss of federal dollars". CBC News. December 12, 2018.

External links[edit]