Louis Riel

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Infotaula de personaLouis Riel
Louis Riel.jpg
Naixement22 octubre 1844 modifica
Saint Boniface (Canadà) modifica
Mort16 novembre 1885 modifica (41 anys)
Regina (Canadà) modifica
Causa de mortPena de mort modifica (Penjament modifica)
Lloc d'enterramentSaint Boniface Cathedral (en) Tradueix modifica
Member of the Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia (en) Tradueix
9 març 1870 – 24 juny 1870
Membre de la Cambra dels Comuns del Canadà
Dades personals
Grup ètnicMétis modifica
ReligióEsglésia Catòlica Romana modifica
OcupacióPolític modifica
Partitindependent modifica
PareLouis Riel modifica
ParentsJean-Baptiste Lagimodière (avi)
Marie-Anne Gaboury (àvia) modifica
Louis Riel Signature.svg modifica

Louis David Riel ( 22 d'octubre de 1844 – 16 de novembre de 1885, per execució) va ser un polític canadenc i el fundador de la província de Manitoba. Pertanyia a l'ètnia dels métis.[1] Va dirigir la Rebel·lió del riu Red (1869-1870). Riel cercava preservar els drets i la cultura dels metis. Riel ha rebut més atenció dels intelectuals que cap altre figura en la història canadenca.[2] Va fundar un govern provisional el qual va negociar l'entrada de Manitoba a la Confederació canadenca.[3] Riel ordenà l'execució de Thomas Scott, i fugí als Estats Units.[4] Mentre estava a l'exili va ser elegit tres vegades a la cambra House of Commons of Canada, malgrat mai va ocupar l'escó.

El primer ministre del Canadà MacDonald decidí portar-lo a la forca a causa de la rebel·lió que Riel també dirigí al Saskatchewan.[5]

Louis Riel, als 14 anys


  1. «Louis Riel». A database of materials held by the University of Saskatchewan Libraries and the University Archives. [Consulta: 23 setembre 2007].
  2. Ricketts, Bruce. «Louis Riel – Martyr, hero or traitor?», 1998–2007. [Consulta: 23 setembre 2007].
  3. The Heritage Centre. «Louis Riel The Provisional Government». [Consulta: 23 setembre 2007].
  4. «Louis Riel Biography». Government of Manitoba. [Consulta: 18 desembre 2011].
  5. J. M. Bumsted, The Peoples of Canada: A Post-Confederation History (1992), pp xiii, 31
Escrits de Riel
  • Barrett, Matthew. "'Hero of the Half-Breed Rebellion': Gabriel Dumont and Late Victorian Military Masculinity." Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'études canadiennes 48#3 (2014): 79-107.
  • Brown, Chester. Louis Riel: A Comic-strip Biography. Drawn and Quarterly, Montreal, 2003. ISBN 1-896597-63-7.  A biography of Riel in the form of a graphic novel.
  • Careless, J.M.S.. Canada: A story of challenge. Stoddart, 1991. ISBN 0-7736-7354-7.  A survey of Canadian history.
  • Flanagan, Thomas. Riel and the Rebellion. Western Producer Prairie Books, Saskatoon, 1983. ISBN 0-88833-108-8. 
  • Flanagan, Thomas. Louis Riel. Canadian Historical Association, Ottawa, 1992. ISBN 0-88798-180-1.  A short work highlighting the complexity of Riel's character.
  • Flanagan, Thomas. Louis 'David' Riel: prophet of the new world. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1979. ISBN 0-88780-118-8.  An influential work portraying Riel as a religious prophet and responsible for the rebellion; highly controversial among Riel admirers
  • George R. D. Goulet. The Trial of Louis Riel, Justice and Mercy Denied. FabJob, Calgary, 2005. ISBN 1-894638-70-0.  A critical legal and political analysis of Riel's 1885 high treason trial.
  • Hansen, Hans. Riel's Defence: Perspectives on His Speeches (2014)
  • Howard, Joseph Kinsey. Strange Empire: A Narrative of the Northwest (Louis Riel and the Metis People). William Morrow & Co, New York, 1952. ISBN 0-87351-298-7. , Online text. "first reasonably accurate biography of Louis Riel to be written." An exhaustive, "objective" yet sympathetic scholarly account.
  • Knox, Olive. "The Question of Louis Riel’s Insanity," Manitoba Historical Society Transactions Series 3, Number 6, 1949-50 online
  • Morton, Desmond. The Last War Drum (1972). military history of 1885.
  • Read, Geoff, and Todd Webb. "'The Catholic Mahdi of the North West': Louis Riel and the Metis Resistance in Transatlantic and Imperial Context." Canadian Historical Review (2012) 93#2 pp: 171-195.
  • Siggins, Maggie. Riel: a life of revolution. HarperCollins, Toronto, 1994. ISBN 0-00-215792-6.  A sympathetic reevaluation of Riel drawing heavily on his own writings.
  • Stanley, George. Louis Riel. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, 1963. ISBN 0-07-092961-0.  A standard Riel biography, covering most of the material in this article; source where no other is cited.
  • Thistle, Jesse. "The 1885 Northwest Resistance: Causes to the Conflict." HPS History and Political Science Journal 3 (2014). online


  • Barkwell, Lawrence J., Leah Dorion and Darren Prefontaine. Metis Legacy: A Historiography and Annotated Bibliography. Winnipeg: Pemmican Publications Inc. and Saskatoon: Gabriel Dumont Institute, 2001. ISBN 1-894717-03-1
  • Betts, Gregory. "Non Compos Mentis: A Meta-Historical Survey of the Historiographic Narratives of Louis Riel's 'Insanity'", International Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue internationale d’études canadiennes, n° 38, 2008, p. 15-40. online
  • Braz, Albert. The False Traitor: Louis Riel in Canadian Culture (University of Toronto Press, 2003) online review
  • Bumstead, J. M. "The 'Mahdi' of Western Canada: Lewis Riel and His Papers," The Beaver (1987) 67#4 pp 47–54
  • Dick, Lyle. "Nationalism and Visual Media in Canada: The Case of Thomas Scott's Execution." Manitoba History (Autumn/Winter2004-05), Issue 48, pp 2–18. online
  • Flanagan, Thomas. Riel and the Rebellion: 1885 Reconsidered (2nd ed. U of Toronto Press, 2000).
  • Flanagan, Thomas. "Louis Riel: Icon of the Left," Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (1986), Vol 1, pp 219–228.
  • Mossmann, Manfred. "The Charismatic Pattern: Canada's Riel Rebellion of 1885 as a Millenarian Protest Movement," Prairie Forum (1985) 10#2 pp 307–325.
  • Miller, J. R. "From Riel to the Metis." Canadian Historical Review 69#1 (1988): 1-20.
  • Morton, Desmond. "Image of Louis Riel in 1998," Canadian Speeches (May 1998) 12#2 online
  • Owram, Doug, ed.. Canadian History: Confederation to the present. U. of Toronto Press, 1994, p. 18, 168, 191–95, 347–50. 
  • Reid, Jennifer; Long, Charles; Carrasco, David. Louis Riel and the Creation of Modern Canada: Mythic Discourse and the Postcolonial State. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-8263-4415-1. 
  • Sprague, D.N. "Historiographical introduction" ch 1 of Sprague, Canada and the Métis, 1869-1885 (1988), pp 1–17.
  • Stanley, George F.G. Louis Riel: Patriot or Rebel? Canadian Historical Association Booklet No. 2 (1979) online

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