Green Infrastructure programs

Green Infrastructure Banner

Your green infrastructure ideas are key to building our clean economy. We want to help you accelerate the deployment and market entry of next-generation clean energy infrastructure by investing in:

  • commercial-scale technology demonstrations
  • deployment
  • community capacity building
  • targeted research and development

Programs offered under Green Infrastructure Phase II

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations (EVID)

Call for Proposals now open.

Learn how NRCan will support EV charging and hydrogen (H2) refuelling infrastructure demonstration projects.

Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative

Request for Proposals is now closed.

Get more information on incentives to support the deployment of electric vehicle fast-chargers, natural gas and hydrogen refuelling stations.

Smart Grids

Call for Proposals now closed.

Find out how NRCan plans to support deployment of proven smart grid integrated systems to reduce GHG emissions and demonstrations of promising near-commercial smart grid technologies.

Energy Efficient Buildings RD&D

Call for Expressions of Interest now closed.

Learn how NRCan will support projects to develop and implement new building codes to retrofit existing buildings and build new net-zero energy consumption across Canada.

Emerging Renewable Power

The Request for Project Applications is now closed.

Learn about the clean growth benefits of Canada’s world-class emerging renewable resources and how to apply for funding.

Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities

We’re committed to reducing reliance on diesel fuel in Canada’s rural and remote communities and industrial sites by supporting a transition to more sustainable energy solutions. Two program tracks are available for this initiative:

BioHeat, Demonstration & Deployment Program Streams

Second call for proposals now closed.

The CERRC program will support a suite of diverse projects across Canada, to reduce the reliance of rural and remote communities on diesel fuel for heat and power.

Capacity Building Stream

Second call for proposals now closed.

This program supports community-level capacity building that will increase clean energy opportunities, including renewables and energy efficiency, and contribute to reducing diesel reliance in rural and/or remote communities.