Energy Manager Program

The Energy Manager Program provides financial assistance for industrial, commercial and institutional facilities, and fleets to identify and adopt energy efficiency solutions that reduce energy use, operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

Application period

Submit a project proposal by September 30, 2019. Projects will be assessed and selected based on the quality of the application and distribution of available funding across provinces and sectors.

Note: There may be a second application period later in the year if funding remains available.

Eligible recipients

Direct recipients

Small and medium-sized enterprises (with fewer than 500 employees)Footnote *, municipalities, universities, colleges, schools, hospitals, and non-profit organizations that are duly incorporated or formed under the laws applicable in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or New Brunswick, and are located in one of these provinces.

Note: Participants registered in the Output-Based Pricing SystemFootnote ** in the federal Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act are not eligible and will not opt into this system for the duration of the project.

Select recipients

Crown-owned utilities, agencies and registered non-profit organizations that implement programs that redistribute the funds to direct recipients to undertake eligible project activities. Request an application guide by emailing

What incentives are available?

The total program funding available is $3.1M in 2019-2020, to be allocated across the four eligible provinces: Ontario ($2,100,000), Saskatchewan ($620,000), Manitoba ($270,000), and New Brunswick ($110,000). Program funding is provided from the proceeds of the federal carbon pollution pricing system.

The proposed project end date must be no later than March 31, 2021, and may include one or more of the following three components.

  • Energy Manager: Hire an energy manager and receive up to 75% of total project costs (100% for non-profit) to a maximum of $100,000 per organization
  • Energy Assessment: Conduct an energy assessment of a building or industrial facility and receive up to 75% of total project costs (100% for non-profit) to a maximum of $40,000 per assessment and $200,000 per organization
  • Fleet Energy Assessment: Conduct an energy assessment of a fleet (medium Class 5, 6, or heavy-duty Class 7, 8a, 8b) and receive up to 50% of total project costs to a maximum of $10,000 per fleet assessment and $50,000 per organization.

    (Note: Any large enterprise or enterprise operating outside the four eligible provinces wishing to undertake a fleet energy assessment is encouraged to apply for funding under our Green Freight Assessment Program.)

The following expenditures are eligible depending on the program component:

Eligible expenditures by program
Eligible Expenditures Energy Manager Energy Assessment Fleet Assessment
Salary of employees Yes Yes No
Professional and technical service fees Yes Yes Yes
Fees for data collection, monitoring and analysis services Yes Yes No
Purchase of instrumentation, software and metering equipment Yes Yes No
Fees for professional training Yes Yes No
Travel based on National Joint Council Rates Yes Yes No
Applicable taxes Yes Yes Yes

Direct recipient project application and delivery steps

1. Apply

Review the program conditions and apply online.

2. Review the project

Discuss your project with a program officer. A program officer will review the project with you. You will receive a decision by email.

3. Sign the agreement

Return a signed agreement within 10 business days from the date we send it to you. A program officer will confirm when work can begin.

4. Implement the agreement

Start the project and provide updates. A program officer will provide guidance and templates for reporting.

5. Complete the project

Submit reports and financial claims. A program officer will provide guidance, review the reports and process the claims.

6. Share the results

Share lessons learned and provide annual energy-saving results. A program officer will follow up.

Submit my project proposal

Note: You will receive a confirmation e-mail after your project proposal has been submitted within ten business days, along with a copy of your project proposal. Confidential information provided to NRCan will be protected under the Access to Information Act.


For more information, email us at