Our partners help create new and inspiring opportunities for Canadians to discover, connect, and protect our treasured places.

Working with others is key to successfully delivering the Parks Canada mandate. Partnering allows Parks Canada to better deliver its promise to Canadians in the following priority areas:

  • Conservation
    Protecting and presenting Canada’s natural and cultural heritage
  • Connecting Canadians
    Welcoming urban residents, youth, and new Canadians
  • Visitor Experience
    Enhancing experiences and expanding visitor opportunities

Current partnerships

We are proud to be currently working with:

Work with us

Partnership proposals

Contact us at pc.inforelation.pc@canada.ca

Please include the following information:

  • Organisation and contact information
  • A short description of the opportunity
  • How this will help Parks Canada achieve its mandate and priorities
  • Proposed contribution from your organisation (financial and/or in-kind)
  • Requested contribution from Parks Canada (financial and/or in-kind)
  • Timelines


  • Due to the volume of requests, it may take several business days to respond, we will be in contact as soon as we can.
  • As a federal government agency, Parks Canada is unable to endorse Third Party products or services.

Become a supplier for products or services

If you are looking to become a supplier for products and/or services, please visit the Public Works and Government Services Canada website.

Request filming, commercial photography or event permits

If you are interested in filming, commercial photography or holding an event or special activity at a Parks Canada location, please contact the national park, national historic, or marine conservation site directly to discuss your plans and associated fees.