What are Campus Clubs?

  • ± 40 clubs in all 10 provinces
  • ± 65 leaders
  • 1/3 of leaders have already worked for Parks Canada
  • ± 22,000 young adult followers on Facebook
  • Volunteered 4,000+ hours
  • 300+ activities
#DYK this initiative is a #NatureForAll Success Story? Look at the article!
Are you ready to take the Campus Club Challenge? Enter to win an all-expenses-paid adventure for your Campus Club. A tri-fecta collaboration with MEC, The North Face and Parks Canada. 

Passionate about protecting Canada’s natural and cultural heritage? Want to share that passion with other students on your campus? Join a Parks Canada Campus Club!

The Parks Canada Campus Club Volunteer Leaders Network is an exciting initiative to inspire young adults from post-secondary institutions to get outside, connect with nature and learn about Canada’s history.

Why does the network exist?

The idea for this initiative was proposed by our first Parks Canada Youth Ambassadors in 2013. Their vision was the creation of a network of Parks Canada student clubs for youth and managed by youth. The aim is to mobilize young adults to inspire others to discover and experience nature and history, integrate them into their lives and share them with their peers. As young adults, the hope is that you will not only continue to enjoy and appreciate nature and history, but also support and protect them.

Why join a campus club?
  • It's a grassroots movement that is led “by youth, for youth”
  • To mobilize and inspire you and your generation
  • To connect with you where you study, work, live and play
  • To make your voice heard
  • To increase your awareness, also among your generation, about protected natural and cultural heritage found in your own backyard
  • To support your learning objectives and even recruit you eventually
  • To help you learn more about our jobs and volunteer opportunities
Why bring students together?

Young adults live and share their experiences with their peers. By coming together to share your experiences, thoughts and ideas, you become spokespersons, representatives; in essence, you become young Parks Canada ambassadors, inspiring your generation through your real experiences. We aim to create a youth movement that is mobilizing others to connect with and experience nature and history by visiting our special places, living the adventures of camping, hiking, canoeing, or being involved in conservation activities such as shoreline cleanups and repairing trails.

Become a member or a volunteer leader of Parks Canada Campus Club


[Parks Canada logo in white on a black screen]

[Students walk cheerfully down a city street, one carries a guitar]

[The students load a car with camping gear]

[The students board a boat wearing life jackets and enjoy the ride to their campsite]

[The boat docks and the students arrive at their camp-site]

[the students play, making a circle with their hands in the middle and spinning before branching out]

[The students play frisbee]

[The students set-up their tents]

[The students look for bugs in the grass]

[The students plant marker flags in the ground for an activity]

[The students explore the camp-site and take pictures in front of a welcome sign]

[The students meet on a rock by the water]

[The students stand in a group and dance and laugh together]

[The students go biking on forest trails]

[The students have a campfire]

[The students wave to the camera]


Parks Canada Logo

Music only, no narration

[Black screen (onscreen text: It’s time to put the Camp…)]

[A group of university students fill a cargo van with their suitcases and pillows in a downtown area.]

[A young man pushes a cart, with a young woman standing at the front holding a shopping list, down one of the isles of a grocery store.]

[The students are having fun and laughing in the cargo van.]

[The group are hiking through the woods in a straight line, surrounded by snow (on screen text: back in Campus).]

[Following the hike, the group puts on snow shoe and continue their adventure.]

[Close-up on the smiling face of one of the student (on screen text: Experience Canada’s treasured places).]

[A young man and woman cycle through the snowy trail on fatbikes.]

[The group hikes again, but this time it’s over a frozen lake, covered with fresh snow.]

[Three of the students are now on cross-country skies sliding on the pre-made tracks. Then, two of the girls celebrate with a high-five.]

[The whole group gather around a campfire up on the balcony.]

[An aerial view of an oTENTik with the students relaxing on the chairs and the picnic table in front of the installation.]

[The group is gathered around a table for one last dinner and they all rise their wine glasses for a cheer.]

[Close-up of a fire at night (on screen text: Join a club | Start a club | Get outside | Learn how at: pc.gc.ca/campusclub campus@pc.gc.ca | #ParksLife)]

[Parks Canada logo]

[© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by Parks Canada, 2016.]

[Canada wordmark]