Intellectual property at Natural Resources Canada

Natural Resources Canada has a comprehensive intellectual property portfolio consisting of training and workshop material, software, and patented technologies in the fields of energy efficiency, clean tech, explosives, mining, forestry, earth sciences, mapping and earth observation.

Natural Resources Canada’s IP Portfolio

NRCan has a number of revolutionary technologies. NRCan’s Intellectual Property portfolio contains a variety of technologies that have been successfully licensed and are commercially available. Others are currently available for licensing and NRCan is accepting expressions of interest. View a list of NRCan’s intellectual property.

Licensing Opportunities at Natural Resources Canada

Our intellectual property is available to the public for use through various licensing arrangements. Some intellectual property is available under free licenses, and some have commercial value and are available under royalty-bearing commercial licences.

Commercial licensing opportunities

Competitive Licensing Opportunities
Some licensing opportunities are competitive and time-sensitive. The terms of these competitive licences are negotiated and may include commercial exclusivity in a given field or territory.

Generally available technologies
Some intellectual property is available for licensing on a general and non-exclusive basis.

Free licences

NRCan is part of the Open Government Initiative
You can access our datasets, the Natural Resources Canada Library, and other freely available publications and reports through the Open Government website. These are subject to the Open Government Licence.

Free Data Analysis Software and Modelling Tools
CanmetENERGY's engineering experts have developed innovative clean energy project analysis, modelling, and simulation software tools. These are subject to a free end-user licence agreement.

For more information, email the Intellectual Property Division.

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