Our Minister

The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Natural Resources

The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi
Minister of Natural Resources

(Edmonton Mill Woods)

The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi is the Member of Parliament for Edmonton Mill Woods and the Minister of Natural Resources.

Prior to being elected Member of Parliament, Minister Sohi was a three-term Edmonton City Councillor. This experience taught him the importance of infrastructure as the foundation for strong, sustainable, and inclusive communities.

Dedicated to improving Edmonton’s infrastructure and liveability, Minister Sohi represented the city on the Canadian Urban Transit Association and strongly advocated for light rail transit. He also brought forward his passion for inclusive city-building through his representation at the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and in leading City Council’s Immigration, Multiculturalism and Racism-Free Edmonton initiatives.

Upon assuming the Infrastructure and Communities portfolio, Minister Sohi oversaw the design and early implementation of a plan of more than $180 billion over 12 years — the largest infrastructure investment plan in Canada’s history. This plan invests unprecedented amounts in public transit, green infrastructure, clean water and waste water, affordable housing, trade-enabling infrastructure, rural and northern communities, and more.

Minister Sohi was appointed the Minister of Natural Resources in July 2018. His work focuses on developing Canada’s natural resources in an environmentally responsible way. His experience with communities has taught him the importance of building partnerships to advance common goals.

Minister Sohi has received several awards in recognition of his community leadership. He lives in Edmonton with his wife and daughter.

The Natural Resources Portfolio