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Finding solutions to overcome challenges, improving processes to save time or money, or looking for better ways to serve our Client-Partners have always been second nature for DCC employees.

In 2008, Defence Construction Canada (DCC) decided to go one step further and created a corporate initiative to support that. innoviCulture was born.

Through innoviCulture, DCC values innovative spirits at any level of the organization, encourages the mindset, attitudes and behaviours that lead to innovation, and highlights the contributions of innovators.

Tools include:

  • monthly newsletters with a regional flavour;
  • a national recognition board where employees can nominate coworkers for thinking outside the box, "like" nominations and comment on them;
  • a network of innoviCulture representatives who promote innovation and act as catalysts in the regions;
  • a national Innovation Award each year, as well as a newly-created innoviCulture Award, which is presented annually in each of the five regions as well as in Head Office, to encourage and reward employees for their innovative spirit.