Career Profiles


Administrative Services (AS)
The planning, development, delivery or management of administrative and federal government policies, programs, services or other activities directed to the Public Service.

Clerical and Regulatory (CR)
The provision of administrative services, including adapting, modifying or devising methods and procedures, in support of Public Service policies, programs, services or other activities.

Computer Systems (CS)
The planning, development, installation and maintenance of information technology processing systems to manage, administer or support federal government programs and activities.

Engineering and Scientific Support (EG)
The conduct of analytical, experimental and investigative activities in the natural, physical and applied sciences.

Engineering and Land Survey – Engineering (EN-ENG)
The Planning, design, construction or maintenance of physical or chemical processes, systems, structures or equipment; and the development or application of engineering standards or procedures.

Executives (EX)
The Executive Group comprises positions that have significant executive managerial or executive policy roles and responsibilities or other significant influence on the direction of a department or agency.

Commerce (CO)
The planning, development, delivery and management of economic development policies, programs, services and other activities designed to promote the establishment, growth and improvement of industry, commerce, and export trade.

Economics and Social Sciences Services (EC)
The conduct of surveys, studies and projects in the social sciences; the conduct of economic, socio-economic and sociological research, studies, forecasts and surveys.

Physical Sciences (PC)
The analysis, identification interpretation, classification, measurement survey and management of earth resources and the behaviour of earth and space and related systems; and the provision of data, information and advice in the application of geosciences and physical sciences to economic and environmental issues.

Scientific Research (SE-RES)
The planning, conduct, evaluation and management of fundamental research, knowledge enhancement, technology development and innovation relevant to defense science, historical research and archival science, mathematics and the natural sciences.