Employee Testimonials

Learn more about Natural Resources Canada from an employee’s perspective – the passion they have for their work, their unique experiences and how their diverse skills, interests, and backgrounds led them to a career at NRCan.

Teresa LeMay

Teresa LeMay
Environmental Assessment Officer
Environmental Assessment Group - External Relations
Science Policy and Integration
Location: Ottawa Ontario

What interesting projects/ programs do you work on?

“Through the Environmental Assessment process, our team is helping to protect finite biophysical resources and support sustainable development of the natural resources in Canada.”

Why did you choose a career at NRCan?

“I was involved with NRCan through the FSWEP program and I was continually placed in positions at NRCan’s laboratories at the Geological Survey of Canada. The work was exciting and dynamic and I enjoyed every placement with NRCan.”

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?

“Working for NRCan, in a field that I love, with people that I admire and respect on both a professional and personal level makes me feel accomplished and extremely fortunate.”

What is the best part of your work?

“The best part of my work is knowing that my colleagues and I work hard everyday at furthering our departmental vision of improving the quality of life for all Canadians.”

What is the one thing you want prospective employees to take away?

“The career you choose doesn’t just have to be another job, it can also be something that allows you to nurture your own personal goals and ideals; and NRCan is a department that allows you to do this. At NRCan, there’s room for both personal and professional growth.”

Dustin Whalen

Dustin Whalen
Physical Scientist
Earth Science Sector Geological Survey of Canada – Atlantic
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

What are your main job functions?

“My job at NRCan is very diverse and involves different types of work, including lab work, field work, computer based mapping work and report writing. The role of a scientist at any level is changing at NRCan to encompass a more multidisciplinary approach. A scientist has to have a diverse scientific background and be able to embrace the latest technology in order to do his job well.”

How has NRCan or the Public Service support your career development?

“Since starting at NRCan, I have always felt that my own personal career development has been important to the organization.”

What is the best part of your work?

“For me, the best thing about working for NRCan is the people. Where else can you find people that are passionate, enthusiastic and eager to do their jobs? NRCan employees are not afraid to dream big in order to solve a problem.”

What is your most memorable moment as an NRCan employee?

“I have experience over 10 field excursions and had many great memorable moments, moments of tranquility, moments of triumph but it’s the knowledge that we are making a different that really stands out. As a public servant, we are all working in the best interest of Canadians, but when your research makes a difference and someone says “thank you,” it feels pretty good.”

Alexandra Malone

Alexandra Malone
Policy Advisor
Energy Sector/Petroleum Resources Branch
Location: Ottawa, Ontario

How does your work contribute to NRCan’s mandate and vision?

“Working on tackling huge and complex issues that urgently require solutions, such as climate change and energy security, is challenging, and it definitely makes you feel like you are contributing to the bigger picture.”

What makes you passionate about working at NRCan?

“I love that many of my coworkers are world-renowned experts in their fields. I think it’s pretty cool that at NRCan you can chat with a Nobel Prize winning scientist during your coffee break!”

What is one idea you want prospective employees to take away?

NRCan is full of really cool jobs you may not even know exist! It is definitely worth taking some time to explore our website - you might come across a career that is just what you are looking for!”

Robin Sano

Robin Sano
Environmental Assessment Officer
Science, Policy and Integration
Location: Ottawa, Ontario

What interesting projects/ programs do you work on?

“Our group will provide advice and offer expertise on a huge array of exciting projects the department is involved in. We could be reviewing material on a project to deal with a nuclear power plant, and switch gears a few minutes later to deal with a small scale research project in the arctic, only to be interrupted by a phone call regarding the status of a wind farm, hydro dam, or mine that is undergoing the EA process.”

Why did you choose a career at NRCan?

“Natural Resources has a great reputation for attracting excellent employees. I choose to work here because it offers life work balance and allows me to be involved in a vast array of interesting and challenging projects that promotes sustainable development and emerging technologies.”

What makes your job at NRCan enjoyable?

“It truly is the people that make work enjoyable. I have had the support of my team leaders to volunteer, attend lectures and broaden my knowledge base and my network. Freedom to pursue personal interests that are relevant to my job and position are key to keeping me motivated and fresh.”

How does your work contribute to NRCan’s mandate and vision?

“Our group promotes the sustainable development of Canada's natural resources while protecting the environment. We help to manage Canada's natural resources and work collaboratively with industry, emerging science and technology, as well as with aboriginal communities and groups.”