Minister Morneau Talks Equality, Shared Growth at G20, IMF and World Bank Meetings

April 13, 2019 – Washington, D.C. – Department of Finance Canada

Investing in the middle class and people working hard to join it is a proven way to deliver solid economic growth—growth that has helped Canada maintain its reputation as a good place to live, invest and do business.

That's the message Finance Minister Bill Morneau brought to Washington as he met with Canada's global partners in the G20, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group this week. At the meetings, Minister Morneau emphasized the importance of fair and open trade while encouraging G20 leaders to focus efforts on economic growth that works for everyone.

While in Washington, Minister Morneau also met with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, who recently accepted the Minister's invitation to become an International Gender Champion. As International Gender Champions, the Minister and Ms. Lagarde will continue to work together to advance gender equality in finance, and to encourage more of their colleagues in finance to do the same.


"By sharing our plan for economic growth with leaders from around the world, Canada is setting an example. We're demonstrating that a strong economy starts with a strong middle class. That includes taking steps to ensure that more people—and especially more women—are able to find and keep good jobs, and benefit from the economic growth they help create. This is an important and timely message, and I'm glad I could share it with Canada's partners this week, as we work together to build economies that work for more and more people."

- Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance

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