Ottawa, July 4, 2019

Official International Reserves

- All 2019 Official International Reserves -

The Department of Finance Canada announced today that Canada’s official international reserves increased by an amount equivalent to US$596 million during June to US$86,300 million. This was driven by reserves management funding operations (-US$182 million)1, and a net gain in investments (US$778 million)2.

Details on the level and composition of Canada’s reserves as of June 28, 2019, as well as the major factors underlying the change in reserves, are provided below. All figures are in millions of US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Foreign Currency Reserves
  Millions of US dollars
Securities 69,874
Deposits 5,053

Total securities and deposits (liquid reserves): 74,927
Gold 0
Special drawing rights (SDRs) 8,454
Reserve position in the IMF 2,919

  June 28, 2019 86,300
  May 31, 2019 85,704

Net change: 596
Details on Deposits
  Millions of US dollars
Other central banks/Bank for International Settlements 5,053
Banks headquartered in Canada 0
  Of which: located abroad 0
Banks headquartered abroad 0
  Of which: located in Canada 0

Total: 5,053
Details of Net Change
  Millions of US dollars
Reserves management operations1 -182
Gains and losses on gold sales 0
Net investment gains and losses:  
  Return on investments3 482
  Foreign currency debt charges -93
  Revaluation effects4 389
Net government operations5 0
Official intervention 0
Other transactions 0

Net change: 596
Currency Composition of Deposits and Securities
  Millions of US dollars
US dollar 50,205
Euro 14,298
Pound sterling 7,570
Yen 2,854

Total: 74,927
Predetermined Short-Term Drains on Foreign Currency Reserves (Nominal Value)
  Millions of US dollars
  0-1 month 1-3 months 3-12 months Total
Foreign currency securities6:        
  Principal -1,451 -1,848 -8,866 -12,165
  Interest -127 -199 -917 -1,244
Aggregate short forward positions in foreign currencies vis-à-vis Canadian dollar 0 0 0 0
Aggregate long forward positions in foreign currencies vis-à-vis Canadian dollar 0 0 0 0

Total net drains: -1,578 -2,047 -9,784 -13,409
Additional Information (Nominal Value)
  Millions of US dollars
Undrawn, unconditional credit lines with banks headquartered outside Canada 0
Securities lent under repurchase agreements7 500
Securities held under repurchase agreements8 4,734
Financial derivatives assets (net, marked to market):  
  Forwards -19
  Swaps -4,426


  1. Net change in securities and deposits resulting from foreign currency funding activities of the Government. Foreign reserves are managed under an asset-liability matching framework. Therefore, when a foreign currency liability matures, assets are used to repay the principal, leading to a decrease in reserves. During June, Canada bills decreased by US$522.6 million to a level of outstanding bills of US$1,744.4 million. An equivalent of US$340.1 million in cross-currency swaps was raised during the month.
  2. Net investment gains and losses include return on investments, foreign currency debt charges and revaluation effects.
  3. “Return on investments” comprises US$100 million of interest earned on investments and a US$382 million increase in the market value of securities.
  4. “Revaluation effects” reflect changes in the market value of reserve assets resulting from movements in exchange rates. In June, the revaluation effect was mainly due to the appreciation of the euro and the pound sterling.
  5. “Net government operations” are the net purchases of foreign currency for government foreign exchange requirements and for additions to reserves.
  6. “Foreign currency securities” include maturities of foreign currency debt, cross-currency swap payments and an estimate of interest payments on foreign currency liabilities.
  7. “Securities lent under repurchase agreements” are included in total reserves. Collateral provided in securities lending transactions is not included in total reserves.
  8. Cash invested under repurchase agreements is included in total reserves. Collateral provided in securities lending transactions is not included in total reserves.
Official International Reserves (10-Year Synopsis)
  Millions of US dollars
Date US dollars Other currencies Gold SDRs IMF position Total
June 28, 2019 50,205 24,722 0 8,454 2,919 86,300
May 31, 2019 50,394 24,009 0 8,353 2,948 85,704
April 30, 2019 49,362 24,040 0 8,464 2,966 84,832
March 29, 2019 48,271 24,268 0 8,209 2,653 83,401
February 28, 2019 49,023 24,459 0 8,266 2,672 84,420
January 31, 2019 52,450 24,458 0 8,277 2,687 87,872
December 31, 2018 49,090 24,189 0 7,941 2,706 83,926
November 30, 2018 47,932 23,703 0 7,891 2,482 82,008
October 31, 2018 48,930 22,812 0 7,866 2,480 82,088
September 28, 2018 47,752 22,682 0 7,892 2,357 80,683
August 31, 2018 48,173 22,771 0 7,926 2,368 81,238
July 31, 2018 48,232 23,268 0 7,943 2,374 81,817
June 29, 2018 47,589 23,864 0 7,913 2,399 81,765

December 31, 2018 49,090 24,189 0 7,941 2,706 83,926
December 29, 2017 51,343 25,308 0 7,975 1,999 86,625
December 30, 2016 52,496 20,453 0 7,578 2,191 82,718
December 31, 2015 48,229 20,848 58 7,899 2,719 79,753
December 31, 2014 43,756 19,000 116 8,164 3,664 74,700
December 31, 2013 39,514 18,916 115 8,675 4,717 71,937
December 31, 2012 35,622 19,621 181 8,754 4,368 68,546
December 30, 2011 32,826 19,985 167 8,966 3,875 65,819
December 31, 2010 26,677 18,211 153 9,054 3,056 57,151
December 31, 2009 23,879 18,723 119 9,212 2,424 54,357
December 31, 2008 22,804 18,733 95 991 1,249 43,872

Future Release Dates

The next release is August 6, 2019 (covering the period of July 2019).

For further information on the Exchange Fund Account, please consult the Report on the Management of Canada’s Official International Reserves—April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018.

For further information, media may contact:

Media Relations
Department of Finance Canada

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